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  1. G

    Grow box?

    Only been reading parts about growing for the last day or so lol. So I didn't really understand that, so I'll do abit of searching :) cheers mate!
  2. G

    Grow box?

    Just out of curiosity, how small could you make a grow box for a single plant? I see a thread about someone using a PC as a grow box. Would they be able to keep the plant in there until it's budded etc..?
  3. G

    How I made my new PC grow box.

    This might sound dumb, but how long can you keep them in there for? lol
  4. G

    Does it smell?

    Just say someone has planted a plant outdoors, could people smell it? Like if they walk past or anything?
  5. G

    Self - Incrimination?

    Well on other forums people will use like "SWIM" "FOAF" etc.. do you use that on here? Like, just say someone from the police force started browsing this forum and read a thread and you was self - incriminating yourself, could they use it to prosecute you or anything? Thanks for reading. Peace
  6. G

    Hey there!

    Thanks for the replies! :)
  7. G

    Hey there!

    Hey, was browsing around on google and found this forum, nice to meet you all! :D I'm a total novice when it comes to growing anything. Love toking it though ;) Hopefully I'll learn some stuff from here! Peace