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  1. C

    Seed shipping:worst Case senario

    I have a few questions though. If I did order is it dangerous to have it sent to a po box? I have no other mailing address. Do I use my name? I read people saying both yes and no. Also if you order seeds with your name not to a grow? Couldn't it be grounds for a search warrant of residence...
  2. C

    How does this sound?

    Regular mail meaning Canadian Post? Is it then transfered to USPS? He's gonna send a couple strains. White Widow NYC Diesel Trainwreck And some kind of Kush. I don't know yet.
  3. C

    What up?

    My name is Cobra. I have experience growing bagseed outdoor. Planing on in the future going indoor. Still a little sketchy about posting and all, but there is a lot of knowledge on this board. So thanks to everyone who posts and shares the knowledge.
  4. C

    How does this sound?

    A friend who lives in Canada said he would send me some seeds. I am in the US. He said he'll put it in a box with other stuff inside and another box with stuff inside. He has done it before by hiding them in the perforated cardboad. I don't know what do you guys think?
  5. C

    If installing a new 220 line into a room what should I tell electrician? I am installing washer...

    If installing a new 220 line into a room what should I tell electrician? I am installing washer and dryer? Sorry I'm a noob.
  6. C

    First time indoors

    Hey what's up? I'm new here. I have grown before outdoors, but this will be first complete room I will build. I have vegged indoors and moved outside before with success. My space is 8'x8' for flowering with a 4'x4' space for vegging. I will run this in flowering room: 4- 600 watt hps...
  7. C

    Canadian seedbank in Vancouver or BC Please Look.

    I might be heading over for vacation and looking for these strains: NYC diesel, White Widow, Ak-47 or Ak-48. Only place I could find is Ontario Seedbank which is over toward the east coast. anyone know?
  8. C

    Hawaii Growers

    I joined because I came across this post. Do you guys or have you guys recently ordered seeds to Hawaii? Pm me just curious I from kailua, but live further out in the Pacific now. If you get caught is it the same as in the states where they take it and give you a letter or is it different in...