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  1. egg shen

    My poor babies...:(

    Rootbound is when the plant's roots have out grown the pot or container they are in.
  2. egg shen

    yellowing and browing of leaves

    Dude, i'd transplant. The pots need to be just over one gallon to one foot of plant height. Rootbound plants need to be waterd and fed at closer intervals 'cause the plant's need for water and nutes is greater than the soil(medium) can provide, or store.
  3. egg shen

    if i do use miracle gro...

    heckuva idea, the wally world only grow! I think that would be one journal alot of noobs could watch, as that's where most get their grow gear, being as how most don't have a hydro store close! ALWAYS PAY CASH!
  4. egg shen

    My poor babies...:(

    Maybe rootbound too...
  5. egg shen

    Good place to get a growing light?

    The "euro" reflector is very nice! - my .02
  6. egg shen

    Where to get Cheap Furniture????

    Oh and if you want a good DIY thread, see fullmetaljacket's it's the best!
  7. egg shen

    Where to get Cheap Furniture????

    I found mine at a army surplus store, it's scratch and dent, but who cares you cut it up anyway!
  8. egg shen

    Building a stealth Super Cabinet (at least im trying)

    And i thot mine was badass! Sweet cabbies!
  9. egg shen

    Good place to get a growing light?, I wish i'd gotten a digital ballast, a little quieter, and more efficient. nice!
  10. egg shen

    Feminized PPP SCROG. CFL-Veg & 400W HPS-Flower...comments welcome

    Great grow! I would like to ask about the "jacks classic" as i am using it myself, how do you like it? the plants obviously love it! I use 20-20-20 all purpose(2 weeks to 1mo) then 30-10-10 orchid special(1mo to 1 week b4 flower) then 10-30-20 blossom booster thru flower then flush 4 2wks...
  11. egg shen

    Biggest Thread In Internet Forum History

    the double douche!
  12. egg shen

    Good place to get a growing light?

    I'm glad to see the general concensus is HTG is good, I got a 400w hps from them, i love it! Cool Lighter too!
  13. egg shen

    250 W hps cab

    I have a 36"x24"x42" cabbie with a 400w hps in a euro reflector. That said all the heat problems i had to sort thru,(attic gro) I wish I would've got a 250. Good luck! Can't wait 4 pix!
  14. egg shen

    Cooling 400w HPS

    I bought a 400w hps from HTG and am super impressed with it.-my .02
  15. egg shen

    Newbie growing in hempy bucket... need help!!

    WOW, I meant combined that was what you 2 said thnx for the attitude!
  16. egg shen

    Newbie growing in hempy bucket... need help!!

    I did this same thing, spent the dough and got the 400w hps, then thought it would go like crazy through the veg- wrong! I had to do what lumberjack and ghostsamuari say'd, get a cfl, then step to the 400w-er when the babies can handle it, believe me you'll appreciate the 400w light soon enough!
  17. egg shen

    --tech209'z 400w hps 8sq'z closet SOG hindu kush log--

    Great grow!, One of the best I've read on Rollitup! It's got me thinking about better soil and ferts! Thnx!
  18. egg shen

    attic grow...Cops?!?!

    Hey, bro, heat rises, that's why Infrared cams only apply to "hot attics". And like the Dr. said, they must obtain a warrant to look at your roof with that thing anyways(=$)! My 400w hps has NO heat signature,(thanks 2 a "cool" friend in law enfarcement) and it"s 24" away from the shingles!