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  1. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    it is possible. im not sure how to do it, but with a little research and reading up on the posts/threads from this website, you should get a good idea of how to do it. i often just type in my question and google it...."how to transplant marijuana plants from my aerogarden to....(fill in the...
  2. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    for you, major lee mashed....i dont know if i am ever going to transport them to somewhere else besides the ag. this is my first grow, so its an experiment sorta i guess. this week i am going to get some pvc pipe so that after i can sex my plants and get rid of the males (im hoping for 2...
  3. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    yeah, i switched to 12/12 on saturday, 4 days ago. i am going to raise the cfls this afternoon like you say i should do. so it doesn't look like any buds are coming soon then :( ??? damn.
  4. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    two girls are better than one
  5. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    rushbuds, i topped about 3 or 4 inches off my plant. i razored the main stalk, and also a few small branches that had big leaves that were shading the other plants. where i topped it off is now a black color, but other than that the plant seems to be doing fine. i think when my husband gets...
  6. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    awww too late! i already topped my plant (just the monster one that was past the top of the AG. i didn't hear back from you and i did a little research on pruning and thought i was doing the right thing. luckily that plant was probably a male anyways, like you said bg. if not, i still have 4...
  7. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    i got my cord from radioshack. it looks like the ps2 power cord but its not. it works just great so i can set the timer on 12/12. just ask for the one with one end 3 prong and the other end is 2 rounds.
  8. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Just to set the record straight, everything I am talking about is completely fictional. I am not growing anything illegal, and its all a made up idea in my head because I have no life and try to imagine things that could possibly make me feel better about myself. Although I am enjoying the...
  9. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    what do you mean, Rushbuds? i need to "Top" my plants? you mean cut the tops off? but they are starting to look cool! almost like a flower bud or something at the top, theres a lot of activity going on there lol. and as for you, my friend thinkin the back ones are male too. do you...
  10. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    ok i finally have some updated pics of my new best friends! lol. they are exactly one month and two days old. if anyone can tell me which ones might be female, and which ones i should possibly toss out im all ears! rock n roll not duck n hightail damnit
  11. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    wow you're brave modifying the cfls and domes. i would be scared shitless of shock or fire. as for the ventilation and exhaust, is there something besides a tower fan i should be using for that purpose? i HAVE read all the growFAQ and newbie shit. over and over again. some of these people...
  12. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    yeah i guess. im definitely stressing myself out about the possibility of an electrical fire. my husband is an electrician and he has put all the cords, wires, and everything electrical in a neat order, away from water, etc. but im just worried about the 150w spiral cfl bulbs in the half...
  13. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    i just purchased some polywrap wrapping paper and put that up on the sides and back of the AG. the fan is on low speed but the leaves keep moving a little bit from the wind. is that a bad thing? i dont want to stress them out!
  14. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    equivalent to 150w
  15. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    my plants have already perked up over night! they are no longer lookin depressed and stuff. im out to get some mylar paper today to put around the AG. i cannot grow my plants any place but my closet....i have two little children that are curious and i dont even want them knowing that i am...
  16. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    Hey GUYS! whats up! sorry its been a while! I have had my plants at my friends house for a week cause my momma dukes was in town visiting. unfortunately they haven't received the TLC i like to give them every day. i did manage to go over there and change out the res water, maintain the pH...
  17. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    ok. im pretty sure i need to change my water in my aerogarden. how do you guys do that? my plants are about 8 inches tall (and its only been 3 weeks!!!) and the roots are getting thick as hell. can some one please give me instructions on how to change the water? im scared to somehow kill...
  18. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    damnit. i knew i would fuck it up somehow. alright, well i will return that shit and buy what you're tellin me to get. BUT by the way, i must have to add that my plants are like 9 inches tall and really thriving after giving them the right nutes and stuff. its only been 3 weeks and i have...
  19. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    ok this is what i bought this right? i didnt get 6 bulbs, but i did get 2. they are 15w clfs soft white spiral bulbs. On the package it says that one 15w spiral bulb is supposed to equal one 60w regular light bulb. I also purchased two clip desk lamps. i know its not as many as...
  20. F

    Pics of my lil one in the Aerogarden

    woah. so much information about lights! aaah.... now not so sure what exactly to do. i need red lights???? crap