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  1. herbsicle420

    My closet grow: c02/cloning question

    oooookay, so i bought a 20lb co2 tank, a regulator, and tubing.... will this be sufficient for this grow until i get more loot together? is the meter and relay extremely important? Can anyone also explain to me how to use the tank/regulator to help me get a better understanding of what...
  2. herbsicle420

    My closet grow: c02/cloning question

    thank youuu, +1 rep bongjuice... should i maintain a constant intake/exaust? and then turn off when in introduce co2? Also, should i try to maintain my flowering room at 1500 ppm all the time? or just run my co2 a few times a day when the lights are on? new to using... any advice would be...
  3. herbsicle420

    My closet grow: c02/cloning question

    allllright, this is going to be my third grow and i'm getting serious... i got a 1000 watt agrostar HPS/MH conversion bult (cooltube 8 reflector) lots of ducting, a co2 tank/regulator/tubing... lots of different genetics, thinking i'm going to start g13 haze and nirvana's PPP...... couple...
  4. herbsicle420

    Quick help hash

  5. herbsicle420

    hollow stems

    why does some weed have hollow stems and some don't? my friends are convinced it's because it was grown hydro? any truth in this?
  6. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    thanks for the info... i'm going to repot all of my plants vegging... this soil is such bad news, i hope it doesn't mess with my one plant left flowering
  7. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    Great information!! i'm DEFINITELY over watering, and when you throw nutes into the mix it's a recipe for disaster... i'm also using the MG organic soil with NO perlite... just sticks and bark... think the fox farm ocean forest soil is worth investing in? and a big bag of perlite?
  8. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    Are you in the US though? and did you order with CC? If you don't mind my asking
  9. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    thanks guys, i have one more in the flowering stage, but it's the one i didn't top, so it's going to have the smallest yield... it was too early to get any legit smoking materials from either of the plants unfortunately... want to buy some good genetics soon, do you guys have any good suggestions?
  10. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    quick update... they didn't make it, they gradually kept getting worse so i chopped 'em :(... nooooooooooooooooooooo
  11. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    thanks for the info, good idea putting it as your back drop... just did :)
  12. herbsicle420

    Nirvana seeds

    i'm also leaning towards attitude... definitely open to suggestions as this is the first time i've ordered seeds and have nothing to go on besides my hopes and dreams lol
  13. herbsicle420

    Nirvana seeds

    good info.... i'm definitely going with strawberry haze from the fuck arjan, and looking for a good strain of white widow or white rhino... any suggestions?
  14. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    thanks for your advice maiden, i just gave them h202 today, if things get worse i'm going to start trimming and utilizing your advice... a part of me knows they're going to die, but there's the pot head side of me that's yelling GIVE THEM MORE TIME! lol...
  15. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    the only problem with bigger pots is that they'll outgrow my box... they already have 3 times, had to do some late lsting but that was way before this... bigger pots equal bigger plants, and smaller pots keep them smaller right?
  16. herbsicle420

    Nirvana seeds

    thanks a lot kludge, that's some great information... i really like green houses work, i'm just a little concerned getting someting sent to the states... not that i'd be stupid enough to send it to my house but i still don't want to get ripped off... SPARKAFIRE... you ordered WW from nirvana...
  17. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    thank you for all of your concerns... i introduced the hps for the last 3 hours of their light cycle last night, and from 8 am until now today... my third healthiest one began to show signs of the heat stress near the top cola, but i quickly took care of that and it should no longer be a...
  18. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    we'll find out, i was also flowering the entire time under cfl's, just introduced an HPS, i think they are definitely salvageable, if not I've definitely learned a valuable lesson about nutes... sucks it had to be this late into flowering though. yeah, i flushed the shit out of it earlier with...
  19. herbsicle420

    Nirvana seeds

    i figured as much, i'll definitely let you know... what strains are you looking in to? i REALLY want the strawberry haze and white rhino or widow
  20. herbsicle420

    Flowering gone bad...any ideas? PICS

    ... it's going to be one hell of a week, been stressing about them... i'll be sure to keep everyone updated. definitely going to give the peroxide a try first thing tomorrow, wish me luck :) thanks again for all your help, couldn't have done it without you all.