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  1. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Yah the GH 3 part bubble are easy to use nutrients that why a lot of people run them but you don't get yield or quality you get with better nutrients, GH 3 part are tried and true nutrients I'm not knocking that they work but they are the bottom tier of nutrients available in the market they...
  2. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Dyna grow bases are decent but I'm telling you right now the stuff is weak and you will never get the yield or results that canna - H&G - or advanced will get you even I find that botanicare's pure blend pro grow/bloom is a much better all around fertilizer and top quality nutrients... I run...
  3. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Haha people can say its snake oil all they want I get 2 a light per 1000w consistently with my chem and white fire og's.. I run bloom enhancers and pk boosters never got 2 a light before I switched to these products I would consistently get 1.5 around there now I'm trying to get over 2 just...
  4. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Some bases nutrients and companies have enough cal and mag to run most strains if you run a heavy feeder like the original chem I've been doin for past 5-7 years on an off you will find you red additional cal mag.. I run 8-10ml/gal through the 5th week of bloom
  5. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    GH is a very old nutrient line that although works is out dated they don't have a pk or boost formula they have a broke then don't fix it mentality to growing but gh IMO is one of the worst nutrient lines on the market people run it cuz it's cheap and they don't know better or wanna run these...
  6. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    I only flush for a couple days I'm not a believer that you need to do 2 week flushes and all that added non sense.. 3-5 days and then I turn lights off I find that resin production and thc glands are optimal when giving a day or two in dark at end of bloom.. Just my opinion I also strip all...
  7. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Co2 works man as long as to run it properly.. Co2 increases respiration in plants and provides them with the ability for plants to breathe and uptake more nutrients increasing vigorous leaf growth which in turn provides energy to create and develop huge root mass..I have done runs with and with...
  8. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    I find that running a pk booster at the onset of bloom helps increase and trigger quicker flowering.. Understanding what p and k are needed for makes this quite clear which is why you said for yourself after the 4th week or whenever you add it depending on variety and strain that using these...
  9. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Boos just means that it's giving you more of P-K then your normal amount of macro nutrients in your just like canna's boost and pk 13/14... Both the boosters serve diff purposes throughout blooming phases the base boost is a black strap molasses and yucca formula to increase weight...
  10. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Seriously? Man PK boosters do ripen and cause triggering responses to finish bloom with the additives they use in conjunction with P-K... The added potassium and phosphorous and critical times during peak bloom is completed provides the extra energy and drive needed to bring the carbs and sugars...
  11. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Listen I was one of those ohhh advanced nutrients is garbage over priced gimmicks with their stupid logos and bs... I been running bio canna and my own blend of assorted supplements for years and canna is awesome although I find it's weak in nitrogen in its bases need to add some through veg and...
  12. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    A pk booster is simply a name they are calling a product that has elevated amounts of pk as you notice you only run these products for usually 1 week or a few feedings buzz you don't need much of them.. But it has been proven and I have done side by sides with pk boosters such as canna pk 13/14...
  13. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    You wish you knew someone like me I am a store owner and a cup runner up doing co-ops with some of the best growers on the planet you tell people not to run co2 when half the people on here are running closed sealed rooms with limited to no air exchange but you shouldn't supplement co2 for your...
  14. P

    New growth pale green (organic)

    You're a funny dude you're wrong man he does need more mag and fertilizer did you read the guys posts? Mag deficiencies do start in upper leaves too what are you talking about? Calcium deficiencies primarily start in upper newer growth old calcium remains in lower portions of plant it's immobile...
  15. P

    Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

    Man it's people like you who make me not wanna come onto forums and help other people because you obviously know everything and no one else can know what they are doing.. Guarantee been doing this just as long if not longer than you... I read all your info posts and to be honest I wouldn't be...
  16. P

    New growth pale green (organic)

    Haha okay uncle ben you're wrong mag deficiencies show up on top quite often... Calcium deficiency show up more often on the bottoms but can also pop up in middle or on top you want pictures.. I'm running a new cut right now that is a heavy cal-mag hound and only shows up on new upper regions of...
  17. P

    strawberry diesel clones. need help

    Did you check your ppm run off? Bet it's over 2k.. When I first started I ran the ocean forest for awhile til I learned more and figured out best ways to grow and those pre fertilized soils although they can be great u really need know what u doing and make sure u r checking runoff and watching...
  18. P

    strawberry diesel clones. need help

    Do you have other plants or is this screwing u up big time? They r pretty burnt up I'd try rinse out the pots and wait few days let them really dry out good to point before wilting let roots grow out good then water only again.. See how look in a week only watch new growth that old stuff won't...
  19. P

    strawberry diesel clones. need help

    Honest answer I don't use any precharged soils for this reason I hand water everything I do so I know exactly what's going in and out every time I feed and can easily make adjustments as needed.. Don't know your level of experience or what you like to do but if you take me out of that hot soil...
  20. P

    strawberry diesel clones. need help

    Dude u sure those are clones? That looks like you grew from seed man.. They are perfectly symmetrical that's kinda odd for being from clone?