Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

Seriously? Man PK boosters do ripen and cause triggering responses to finish bloom with the additives they use in conjunction with P-K... The added potassium and phosphorous and critical times during peak bloom is completed provides the extra energy and drive needed to bring the carbs and sugars to your flowers triggering a response to complete the ripening process before you begin to flush... PK Boosters work they are proven I have done countless runs with and without using it not just to see if it works sometimes just tried different things like running enzymes and humic any fulvic acids with molasses and by no means am I saying pk boosters are the end all be all but I am telling and promising that they do provide a surge of extra energy and growth when ran properly during critical flowering periods and can increase resin production and yield in flowering strains and they are not snake oil...
I don't think they are snake oil, but I don't think the P and K have anything to do with their effectiveness. I'm using mostly P and K after week 4 anyway, and when my buds are almost completely finished and I hit them with the dry koolbloom there is an explosion of new growth/white hairs...

Why would a sudden blast of PK cause that? I don't think it does, plants take what they need and leave the rest behind- why would they all of a sudden benefit from massive amounts of PK when they are almost completely finished, or in my case have had almost only PK from week 4 onwards?

Yes, the do increase yield and aren't snake oil, but not by the mechanisims the industry claims IMO
Boos just means that it's giving you more of P-K then your normal amount of macro nutrients in your just like canna's boost and pk 13/14... Both the boosters serve diff purposes throughout blooming phases the base boost is a black strap molasses and yucca formula to increase weight smell aroma and flower size by providing carbs to your plants during the initial swelling and bulking phase, then it's proven scientifically that a plants needs change as the flowers mature after the initial peak flowering has completed between weeksm5-7 you want to add in small amounts additional P-K to provide the energy that the plants require to boost the uptake of carbs and sugars which in turn lead to higher yields -quality and taste... People think that oh if I run this pk booster or bloom enhancer I'm gonna double my yield that's not the case these products may only give you a 10% increase in yield but that's a lot if your running substantial lighting and medium sized grow rooms... Every bit counts... Boosters work they are made for a reason as are additives and supplements.. Some are snake oil but most are highly affective at doing what they are intended to do...
I find that running a pk booster at the onset of bloom helps increase and trigger quicker flowering.. Understanding what p and k are needed for makes this quite clear which is why you said for yourself after the 4th week or whenever you add it depending on variety and strain that using these additional p-k stimulants your plants is able to provide the flowers additional macro nutrients - sugars - carbs to increase growth and spark additional flowering..

Have you ever noticed after using a pk booster that you actually see little new growth coming out of the sides of your flowers almost like foxtails ? That's from overloading but if you find the sweet spot you will actually see what looks like the second round of initial flowering when using proper pk ratios during peak bloom... I promise pk boosters work and increase size and help bring sugars and carbs to your flowers increasing resin production and yield hands down not snake oil... Moab I think is snake oil I met that dude few months ago at a show he is a weirdo and idk what the ratios on any of his stuff is all about.. Don't know anyone that said they liked any of his products besides the ph down..

Anyways I highly recommend running atami's bloombastic I use it first week at half dose and then again after initial flowering to harden and ripen flowers and I've never had such rock hard flowers and dense colas in my life until stumbling upon that product... I even stopped running canna pk 13/14 with their lineup and ran that and I think it's even better.. Very expensive but like I said you only use it for 2 weeks or about 4 feedings.. Unless hydroponics I don't like hydro personally don't know what or how much you would need for that.. I hand water everything I do til this day nothing better imo
Dyna grow is made with the same exact nitrate and phosphate salts every other hydroponic company is using.

If you're not getting good results, it's user error.

dyna grow is absolute garbage too stop tellin people to run it that crap does not have enough of anything in it period and produces crap for yields or quality and limited to no resin production I got customers at my store who can testify to switching from that to canna or advanced never got such good results with out your bs claims of leaf dropping in bloom which I have never got from canna or advanced products but you wouldn't know bus u don't run those either lol they are snake oil right? Only fact that they have more cup winners than any other product on market and not one has ever been by peters or jacks or miracle grow u think works lol
"A fool and his money are soon departed."

Anyways I highly recommend running atami's bloombastic I use it first week at half dose and then again after initial flowering to harden and ripen flowers and I've never had such rock hard flowers and dense colas in my life until stumbling upon that product... I even stopped running canna pk 13/14 with their lineup and ran that and I think it's even better.. Very expensive but like I said you only use it for 2 weeks or about 4 feedings.. Unless hydroponics I don't like hydro personally don't know what or how much you would need for that.. I hand water everything I do til this day nothing better imo

....bunch of snake oil junkies.
Hearsay, conjecture, anecdotal evidence. I need scientific data to back up your drivel.

Co2 works man as long as to run it properly.. Co2 increases respiration in plants and provides them with the ability for plants to breathe and uptake more nutrients increasing vigorous leaf growth which in turn provides energy to create and develop huge root mass..I have done runs with and with and without it... I don't feel you need to run co2 in bloom don't see any difference but in veg it definitely makes a huge difference in plant size and growth sometimes t the point they grow too fast
I only flush for a couple days I'm not a believer that you need to do 2 week flushes and all that added non sense.. 3-5 days and then I turn lights off I find that resin production and thc glands are optimal when giving a day or two in dark at end of bloom.. Just my opinion

I also strip all major fan leaves off the last week of bloom which causes stress and resin production to increase by about 10% roughly it's a biological response that the plant is under a pest or bug attack in which cannabis defense system and produced the resinous thc glands to protect itself this technique I ave been using for past year or so I'm still fairly new on it but seems to provide great results imo

I only remove interior fan leaves if they are blocking flowering sites I don't recommend defoliating I've tried it and I think it's very strain dependent sati as do not respond well to removal or stripping of these sugar producing leaves they are your solar panels and energy source for your plant only take me off if they have turned yellow and are depleted of nitrogen
Yep... Even when 1 of the 3 bottles is meant for boosting P and K, people still think they need 1000 other PK boosters.

The same is true with "calmag+" type products though. That product overlaps a lot with flora micro, minus the Mg.

Some people even make the connection that they can grow with only calmag+ and a PK booster alone, but can't make the connection that it means those ingredients overlap the base nutrients 100%. Pointless additions to the bottle collection.

The first "PK booster" I remember, well before the internet, was rite on GH's Flora-series label:
1 part micro, 3 part bloom
1 part micro, 4 part bloom
They weren't selling you anything extra.
The first "PK booster" I remember, well before the internet, was rite on GH's Flora-series label:
1 part micro, 3 part bloom
1 part micro, 4 part bloom
They weren't selling you anything extra.

GH is a very old nutrient line that although works is out dated they don't have a pk or boost formula they have a broke then don't fix it mentality to growing but gh IMO is one of the worst nutrient lines on the market people run it cuz it's cheap and they don't know better or wanna run these Lucas formulas.. Info like 3'part nutrient lines they are awesome just don't recommend gh's at all... It's the cheapest and crappiest line up on market IMO good for beginners cuz it's easy to use
Co2 works man as long as to run it properly.. Co2 increases respiration in plants and provides them with the ability for plants to breathe and uptake more nutrients increasing vigorous leaf growth which in turn provides energy to create and develop huge root mass..I have done runs with and with and without it... I don't feel you need to run co2 in bloom don't see any difference but in veg it definitely makes a huge difference in plant size and growth sometimes t the point they grow too fast
Only time I run co2 is in the summer, when I seal it up, and it is a must.
I prefer to run a ventilated room, and use what power is used running Ac's, and run more lights/trays:-D
I kill it either way though.
Some bases nutrients and companies have enough cal and mag to run most strains if you run a heavy feeder like the original chem I've been doin for past 5-7 years on an off you will find you red additional cal mag.. I run 8-10ml/gal through the 5th week of bloom
Haha people can say its snake oil all they want I get 2 a light per 1000w consistently with my chem and white fire og's.. I run bloom enhancers and pk boosters never got 2 a light before I switched to these products I would consistently get 1.5 around there now I'm trying to get over 2 just switched up to aurora soul synthetics line up and I love it.. Has everything you need products are f*cking amazing..mill post some pics and a video when I'm done and prove it for you
GH is a very old nutrient line that although works is out dated they don't have a pk or boost formula they have a broke then don't fix it mentality to growing but gh IMO is one of the worst nutrient lines on the market people run it cuz it's cheap and they don't know better or wanna run these Lucas formulas.. Info like 3'part nutrient lines they are awesome just don't recommend gh's at all... It's the cheapest and crappiest line up on market IMO good for beginners cuz it's easy to use
Dude! I started with the floraseries about 23 yrs ago. I've tried many different nute bases in the last 10 or so years, and I still like the floraseries. IMO, the floraseries is NOT cheap, but very customizable. Same results in the end.
I know plenty of BIG-TIME growers who still use the 3-part mmmmm'kay;-)
Haha people can say its snake oil all they want I get 2 a light per 1000w consistently with my chem and white fire og's.. I run bloom enhancers and pk boosters never got 2 a light before I switched to these products I would consistently get 1.5 around there now I'm trying to get over 2 just switched up to aurora soul synthetics line up and I love it.. Has everything you need products are f*cking amazing..mill post some pics and a video when I'm done and prove it for you
I can pull 2lbs from my wifi also. Whatever nute I'm using.
Dyna grow bases are decent but I'm telling you right now the stuff is weak and you will never get the yield or results that canna - H&G - or advanced will get you even I find that botanicare's pure blend pro grow/bloom is a much better all around fertilizer and top quality nutrients... I run botanic are for veg all day before switching to bio canna bloom with phenomenal results