Best 'stand alone' bloom boosters

All depends on your definition of "significant leaf loss". I bet I lose no more than 10% and that's OK. Some lose 80% and say "that's OK".

I'm just here to advise you that you continue to let the forum masses brain wash you with misguided practices such as using low N bloom foods and flushing and you'll never achieve the best in plant health, vigor, or yields. Need to check this stuff out.......

Huh? You call this cheap?

Less than a half pound for $25! Are you kidding me?

That's just a bunch of expensive worthless crap. Sorry, but your choices suggests you let forum psychology and hype give it to you in your hiney ho and believed the company lies. It does have N, in the form of MAP but it's not published. Fella, what they're doing, claiming, is just pure FRAUD. And anyone with any sense knows that the included B1, which is being used only as a marketing tool, is useless. This company (like all of the cannabis specific companies) is not "mad", they are brilliant when it comes to targeting, marketing to, sucker bets. Contrary to the thousands of sucker bets in the hundreds of cannabis forums, bloom foods DO NOT pump up buds. Leaves do. The discourse in these forums is hilarious. Check out as an example.

And you wonder why so many shysters are jumping into this industry? There's a con selling gold plated watches from China on every corner now a days.

This is cheap.....this is VALUE for a very high quality, complete, product that can and should be used from start to finish - petunia feed

Do the math - that's $2.11/POUND shipped to your door. I just bought a bag. It's an excellent product and very easy to use because it's in prill form.

Good luck,
Uncle Ben
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well said Ben, I haven't tried that particular formula but I've been using jacks professional hydro 5-12-26 and calcium nitrate at a 3:2 ratio from clone to harvest. Have noticed less leaf drop no hardly even happens now. And best of all, no more crispy crunchy leaves butting right up against the bud when I'm trimming.

I am having some pre-mature defoiliation. The leaves are turning yellow and look sick. I have been using "Big Bloom" with a little bit of "Grow Big" I am growing in coco and I'm not sure what to do. The bud leaves look all right but with a little 'creasing'. Most of the leaves are yellow. Am I not using enough N? Any plans of action? Thanks

Heres a picture of the leaves I have lost.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSCN0424_zps0b512ad1.jpg"/></a>
Here is a picture of the leaves creasing upward.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo DSCN0425_zps713b7650.jpg"/></a>
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I am having some pre-mature defoiliation. The leaves are turning yellow and look sick. I have been using "Big Bloom" with a little bit of "Grow Big" I am growing in coco and I'm not sure what to do. The bud leaves look all right but with a little 'creasing'. Most of the leaves are yellow. Am I not using enough N? Any plans of action? Thanks

What's the NPK?
kool bloom liquid and dry.

A 2-45-28 with no micros? Good gawd, how stupid can you get.

That is really irresponsible. It will accelerate defoliation. Of course defoliators like you don't have a clue what a leaf does so you would recommend something as ridiculous as a 2-45-28. He's already using a bloom food, shit-fer-brains, which is why he's have the defoliation issue.

He needs a complete, well balanced food with micros that is higher in N.
settle down... you little bitch ass weed growing police, always butting into shit no one asked you about. everyone has already read and disregarded your shitty opinion, no need to keep posting over and over.

dry is for ripening the last couple weeks.
There is no such thing as "ripening", unless you're growing apples. Even then, orchard managers are smart enough to know what ripens their fruit and it sure as hell isn't some ultra low N food.

I'll clue you into a little secret - it's leaves. ;)

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I couldn't tell you the NPK because I am using multiple fertilizer mixes. Grow Big is 6-4-4 and Big Bloom is .01-.3-.7
MOAB is just overpriced monopotassium phosphate. Totally a waste of money. I get generic MKP for way cheaper to make my hydro recipes. (that's where I get all my P actually)

Compare this:


to this which is exactly the same but with a funny label put on it.:

Oh, and you probably don't need extra P and K if you already have a balanced nutrient formula. I use monopotassium phosphate for ALL my P needs. (gotta get your P from somewhere)

Chances are it was an ingredient in your mix anyway and thus you already have enough.
pk boosters are marketing hype that don't do anything for your plants. It's nutrients companies and hydro shops manipulating you to spend money on things you don't need or want
lol if its not organic and has no micronutrients its useless boron helps phosphorus uptake but with so much phosphorus that going to screw you up so bad, I dont know about your avaliable fert but use organics I cant stress enough I am on second grow but before I even started I did months of research on how to increase my seed to yield conservation just because its got high levels of the good stuff doesnt mean its good, your overloading your plant and it will slowly destroy it, this arguement is invalid levels are far too high do your research instead of jumping into it blindd!
i grow in dwc and have done comparisons with and without gh powder and liquid koolbloom the liquid is a waste of money, however in my compasre the powder koolbloom actually increased yield and finished 2 days earlier than without.. also i do agree that having a healthy plant and leaves is key to good yields, bad nutes can cause burn, and other problems leading to a decrease in yields and yes having a healthy plant is most important,but if ur plants are healthy w/ whatever nutes ur using, a boost in phosphate levels during the last 2 weeks in bloom can increase bud size, density, and even help to finish sooner.. ive been doing compares for many years with many diferent nutes and aditives most are bullshit, but i can say koolbloom powder is the only one that actualy worked for me...
I started out with PK boosters too, this is something I learned from growing food crops and ornamentals.. Look at all the specific formulas for ornamentals and food. I guess I understand why people use PK boosters, I for one see that its "value added" when they market a formula like that.

As the cannabis grow grew bigger and bigger, and I was doing more volume I was forced to simplify my formulas, mainly for cost and sanity. And I found out that less is more.. As long as you have a solid feed, you dont really need a complex array of flower boosters. Fine by me, because it really fucks up my bottom line. Im cheap like that.

But I'll totally try out a Heavy 16 + Aptus grow :). Funds permitting ;)... oooHhh.. Heavy 16 Fire. Meh.. I think I could make my money back.. mebby.. ;)