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  1. kukooi

    speaker micro gro..

    hey people I've been lurking around here for a wail and decided to show my ghetto setup. its an old sony woofer that blew out with way too much techno. haha anyways i gutted it and created it into a grow box. i wanted it to be completely stealth because my roommates dont even know i smoke=(...
  2. kukooi

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    afgooi sounds really familiar hmmmmm haha
  3. kukooi

    Seedling Problems

    you only really need one 26 watt 6500k bulb... you need drainage man your getting root rot from no drainage and watering way too often! with that moister control it is hard to tell when it need water i would suggest getting some mirical organic and mixing in 1/4 of perlite in with it.
  4. kukooi

    My CFL Lowryder 2 grow - first grow!

    once they flower with 4 females you might want to put in another bulb with red spectrums never hurts eh?
  5. kukooi

    Car batteries for POWER?

    that is a perpetual system yes... but does it create energy? no... it doesnt violate the law of physics... just as if you hit a golf ball off the moon... it will keep going cause there are no forces acting on gravity ,wind fluidamics or what ever that is:blsmoke: energy can neither be...
  6. kukooi

    <b/>first grow, please help</b>

    could you run your 400watt under a different breaker? running an extension cord from a different room.
  7. kukooi

    PC Case Micro SCROG grow (First Ever! Documented)

    ya veg for a couple weeks to get them going... put them closer to the light also.. expicially since ur doing scrog vegging for a couple weeks is fine..
  8. kukooi

    1st grow, CFL, Aurora Indica 2 plants

    have you checked your tempeture... the second pic looks as if the leafs are curling up cause its too hott... btw if it is the heat u dont really need that many cfls at this point... just put 2 6500k up, one over each seedling and ull be good for a couple weeks tell you figure your temps out
  9. kukooi

    Round 2-Lowryder2-cfl grow.

    create a plexiglass glass shield would help you alot on temps... my temps were 7 above ambient before i put it in and now they are at about 2-3 above
  10. kukooi

    first grow, in 45g rubbermaids, need tips

    they just sprout faster when u dont have light on them cause they are looking for light.....
  11. kukooi

    PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems

    there is nutrients already in the soil..... you dont need to give it nutes untill a they show u... i used fox farms and its really good soil.. just mix in 1/4 perlite in with it and youll be good
  12. kukooi

    az going solo

    your the one who makes az so good haha! ive been getting good buds here lately:-?
  13. kukooi

    Passing a Drug Test

    dont exersise up to three days before the test!!!!!!.. then u should eat a shit load and pack on some new fat cells:mrgreen:
  14. kukooi


    i would see if u could bud out a reg plant before spending ur hard earned cash on some seeds.. although the auto plants they have now do seem easy=)
  15. kukooi

    what cfl's should I use?

    100watt usually means the equivilent to incandescent. haha sorry about the spelling but anyway... just check somewhere else on the package it says the actually wattage on the bulb... get 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower... or just get a combination of both... just remember the blue ones for...
  16. kukooi

    Can Plant roots grow new plants?

    not possible... roots cant just make a new plant(where would the photosynthesis start)?.. i'm thinking you accidently dropped a seed in ur soil at one point in the grow..
  17. kukooi

    How Do I pass A hair folicul test?????

    im sorry to say this but pretty much no shampoo will work.... the drugs stay in the hair u cant just rinse it out.... although u could have a freak accident and burn all your hair off=)
  18. kukooi

    What if I grew entirely in Dixie cups?

    hmmm i've seen people grow in shot glasses... dixie cups are a wee bit too small i think though....
  19. kukooi

    can u germinate seeds in the poop shoot,been going around riu

    what the hell? haha you guys smoke too much shwag
  20. kukooi

    Car batteries for POWER?

    paypal acc #?!?!:blsmoke: