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  1. D

    Fully Automated Grow Room Assistance

    Your doin the same thing as me with the separate flower rooms, harvest in half the time, But, have you considered using autoflowers? Under 1000watters higher yeild strains could give you half pound per plant. Maybe even more. And some finish from seed mad soon, the strain I plan on growin...
  2. D

    Fully Automated Grow Room Assistance

    4000W equivilent in led is going to be expensive as fuck if your going with quality leds. The solarstorm 800w one of the best leds cost 1799, x5 to equal 4000w is gunna be like 9 grand. I'd go with hps with a air cooled hood. With combination with good room temp (ac unit or wyatever) should get...
  3. D

    using air from a crawl space.

    Well I heard that everyone in america is asian.
  4. D

    which auto strain should I grow 1st?

    Have u considered 2 lights, 1 flower 1 veg. (Or more dep on type of lights) then once they start flowerin more them to flower light and start new veg. This way u crop out once evver 30-40 days
  5. D

    which auto strain should I grow 1st?

    Thunder bloody mary is really bright and loud and kills you if you say it 3 times so I'd stay away from it
  6. D

    how much expected yield for strains that grow short (30-50cm)?

    You lying bastard you can only get 2.9 off a an auto
  7. D

    how much expected yield for strains that grow short (30-50cm)?

    Thank you. I have no idea it was so percise. Ima round that figure up to 2.9.
  8. D

    how much expected yield for strains that grow short (30-50cm)?

    Thank you so much for the vast responses. I love yalls unwaivering kindness from the depths of my soul
  9. D

    how much expected yield for strains that grow short (30-50cm)?

    What is the yield range for autoflowering strains that finish under 50cm tall? I know it dpends on the strain but loookin for a general figure. They'll be under 2 600w lights. Not sure how many yet.
  10. D

    using air from a crawl space.

    This is mad old but I found it on google... All that you need to do it run ducting for the intake to the outside, make a hole in the underground foundation then seal it back up. Its probably a good idea to attach the exhaust to the housing duct so any trace smells after carbon and the heat and...
  11. D

    help me figure out tempature control and ventilation

    And your intake is coming from the outdoors like mine would be? Are you using any temp control other than the fans? My only problem with this is might not get good air fliw when its set to be off to compensate the temp. I may combine this with a ac heat unit, box made inside grow room, one...
  12. D

    help me figure out tempature control and ventilation

    Oh my god thank you! Its so clear now! Lol yeah I suck at spelling.
  13. D

    help me figure out tempature control and ventilation

    I am building underground grow room. Its about 360cf The air is brought in from outside with ducting and inline fans, abd same for the exhaust. Since the outside changes temp by the season, how can I equip my room to keep good air flow and a constant tempature. Please be very...
  14. D

    optimum room sq feet for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh?

    I'm going with 7 1/3 feet (accouning for the 8 inch block wall. This will divide the rooms 3 1/3 and 4. Flowering gets the 4 room) by 6 2/3 by 7 feet high. This is 6 blocks by 7 blocks by 11 high. have one more one room I will be running the intake (530cfm 6in inline) from the...
  15. D

    optimum room sq feet for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh?

    No can do. I only 30 amps to work with period. Maybe when I get my own place, but I gotta keep it low key. and the room is being built underground, so I'm trying to keep my digging area small as possible. As for the temp and vents that's all under control I've got a set up for that.
  16. D

    optimum room sq feet for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh?

    Yeah that's what I ment musta got switched around in my head lol.
  17. D

    optimum room size for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh? 9 3.5gal pots per light

    *want to grow 9 plants under each light. The idea is to have 2 separate rooms, one for flower one for veg so I can rotate, that will both be in one bigger room.*For the veg room 2 400w hps for flower 2 600w.*Grown in 2 gal ebb and flow set up. Possibly 3.5 gallon...So I can basically make the...
  18. D

    optimum room sq feet for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh?

    Thank you. I am making the room out cobcrete and concrete blocks so I also concontrol the height. What height should I go for?
  19. D

    optimum room sq feet for 2 400w hps / 2 600w mh?

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