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  1. minad

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    Iran is on our side buddy, it's us and them VS the saudis. Maybe you should try and understand the different muslim denominations if you'd like some more understanding in these intense situations.
  2. minad

    BIN LADIN May Be Dead............It's A Great Day

    Bin's family was with him when killed, do you feel anything for them? Children, wife with no rights? 3k died on Sep. 11, 25k++ die every day, from no food, water, or simple medicines. What do you feel for them? Okaydookie, $1000 and a pound of dank we're there until your kids are old enough to...
  3. minad

    Can anyone tell me what this video game is called????

    The game is 'Blast Chamber'. Sources: +rep whenever.. Edit: Looking at your original attachment, this seems like a...
  4. minad

    Medical Cannabis Did What? Saved A 2 Year Old!

    You put your faith in the masses, and see where that gets you. Education is the only answer, and this 'feel-good, god's hemp saved my baby' bullshit only caters to the under-educated. The point is, if you're going to do something important, you should probably do it for the right reasons. As...
  5. minad

    Medical Cannabis Did What? Saved A 2 Year Old!

    Bunch of duchebags. Even if mj did nothing for cancer incubators, or anyone else, even if it hurt you in some way when you willingly ingest it, the government(or any person, place or thing) has no business trying to stop you from using it. The point is even more simple than this silly...
  6. minad

    Become a Better SalesPerson

    lawl Not sure if I want to bother with this video, since not much description is offered I'm assuming you are a 17yo trying to teach people to sell timeshares?
  7. minad

    Oklahoma Senate Passes Life Sentence for Hash Making

    qft Equal response: From the wikipedia: 'The guillotine is a device used for carrying out executions by decapitation.'
  8. minad

    Attitude 420 Order arrived used prepaid visa

    Cool beans, it's great to hear good reviews from foreign companies. The Attitude is an easy choice, I've been using Sannie's with cards from wallyworld and other places. When you set up these cards use whatever information you want, as long as it's not your own. You could still mail to another...
  9. minad

    12/12 from seed with flourescent

    Why are you doing the 12/12 all through? At least bump the veging up to 16/8, but even 24 works fine. Only point I might be able to make is being as you don't have the biggest and baddest light available(the sun), the longer they're on the better. The fluorescents don't use any electricity...
  10. minad

    Need some advice ...

    Go with the system you can build yourself. If that means a simple ebb and flow, sure, works great. Coco can be used in virtually any growing system. Theres a million DIY guides and videos on the net, watch until your eyes bleed than decide on a custom system thats right for you. FYI...
  11. minad

    Hormone use to force female every plant from seed

    Feminized seeds give 99.9% females(clones give even higher %). Cheap, effective, safe, etcetera, etcetera. With regards to the validity of this study, I'm not interested in commenting on. So no, if you have a choice between F-seeds and this method, do not attempt it.
  12. minad


    It's the most natural haircut anyone can have. Before combs, everyone had dreads. That said, are you doing it the natural way, and just allowing your hair to grow this last 8 months without fucking with it? Or are you going to use dreadhead or something when you reach a certain length? More...
  13. minad

    Need some advice ...

    Not if you're rotating your plants. If pretty simple, I hope you didn't miss the signs: they'll grow towards the 'heat-center' of the light, and if that means not straight up(unless you've topped/lsted or something) then they need to be adjusted. Careful 1/4 to 1/2 turns everyday will not hurt...
  14. minad

    Need some advice ...

    You haven't considered cloning from the top performers and only cultivating their offspring? But, sad to say, your situation is pretty normal. You are putting quite a bit of trust in genetics that you could control. On the next batch, sprout, seed, and veg much more than you are able to...
  15. minad

    Please Give Me an Experienced and Objective Risk Assessment

    What's with your inclination to only do auto-strains indoors? JC Depending on where you live, watch out for those National Forest borders, agencies are notorious for green-gold digging in them. So as far from any buildings, and as far from the border would be a good place to plan for an out...
  16. minad

    Possible to Get Clones In illegal state?

    Well if you're set on doing this, maybe these tips might make for a better experience: If driving: You really only need 1 or 2 clones, hopefully you can find good healthy plants and get them securely packed away for your journey, which will of course start and end in Colorado, so as not to...
  17. minad

    Possible to Get Clones In illegal state?

    I suppose you've never hiked 10+miles of wild jungle with 50 or so babies in your backpack? If they have the roots, then you don't need to worry about the humidity dropping below the 90%+ from the propagation dome whence they came. Transporting clones is a non-issue with regards to fragility...
  18. minad

    See What Some People are Getting Done (Farming 101)

    There's not a single mod on this site, eh? Simple Simon met a pieman, Going to the fair; Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Let me taste your ware." Says the pieman to Simple Simon, "Show me first your penny," Says Simple Simon to the pieman, "Indeed, I have not any." Simple Simon went...
  19. minad

    Possible to Get Clones In illegal state?

    Maybe you should just securely order some seeds over the net, centers/dispensaries imho/experience are much less trustworthy than reputable, time-tested businesses that offer their products over the net. Canadian or European companies with billions of transactions and decades of being in...
  20. minad

    HELP! Clone Trouble

    Go get a job at McDonalds. You made 4 posts within 10 minutes, all in this same thread. What kind of a moron are you? You've been having this problem for months but now all the sudden it's so urgent? To reiterate: Give up, go away, grown up, try again in 10+ years.