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  1. B

    need some help

    watering every 12 hours sounds like a lot. just make sure the soil stays moist i guess but don't water again until the soil feels dry when you stick your finger in it. that's what i do.
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    biggest yield for one plant indoors

    not indoors no way. seems like a ton even outside but having never grown outdoors and only this current grow inside so how would i know
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    LOOK At The Size Of Theses Jugs

    nice jugs all around. funny shit
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    Ways to pass drug tests?

    water water water! flush flush flush your system out. you should be pissing like every 15 minutes. last time i did it i had to piss so bad by the time they actually let me pee in the cup i was so glad just to piss i didn't care if i passed. but guess what i'm still a free man and still...
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    biggest yield for one plant indoors

    5 lbs wow! Spring is coming maybe i will put some plants outside. what about indoors??
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    My Protector

    I like the yorky's but i'm not to fond of the little nipper type dogs. I actually grew up with a yorky named Baby i don't think she ever got over about 4-5 pounds. very cute and very protective of her master. ever been around a mini schnauzer? kinda worried it will be to high strung
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    My Protector

    probly barking up the wrong tree here but do you know if you can leave word with the humane society or pound and have them contact you when they get a breed your interested in. oh and can you request a dog that smokes? jk haha
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    biggest yield for one plant indoors

    Just curious of how much bud has ever been harvested from one plant or largest but. I have read 1/4 to 1/2 oz per kola and as much as a 1/4 lb from and outside plant. Like i said just curious and opening the door to anyone who feels like bragging. oh and pics welcome. lol
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    My Protector

    well that's impressive mogie. any suggestions for a good stoner dog. need something as lazy as i am. was thinking an english bulldog but may be leaning towards a mini snauzer.
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    My Protector

    no offense meant just my thoughts!! Peace and Love to all!
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    My Protector

    cats yuck!! you want a protector get a dog. a dog that shits outside not in your house and drags litter all over your house. I did some work for some friends with 2 cats in the house. a very nice and cleanly kept house but when i pulled up the basement carpet there was actually cat litter...
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    Does it smell?

    hahaha or you could break his nose!! lol
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    Fat Bastard seeds

    Marijuana Seeds Kind Seed - Canada, THC Laboratories Have done a little searching but can't find any more info.
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    Fat Bastard seeds

    Got 5 fat bastard seeds from a friend who had gotten them online. Just curious if anyone is familiar with this strain?
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    Flowering time?

    merry christmas.. good rant
  16. B

    Stealthiest growroom ever!! If you ask me.

    it's a he/she that's for sure. I have picked a ton of pollen sacs off the small lower branches and maybe 2 off the main stem.
  17. B

    Stealthiest growroom ever!! If you ask me.

    thanks to everyone here is an updated pic of the hermie inside! I hope it fills in. pretty skinny now.
  18. B

    what is it?

    i think those are nuts in your gallery pics.
  19. B

    1st grow Flowering hermie needs trimmed up?

    how early is there pollen in the sac? i have popped a bunch of them and haven't seen anything yellow. so i only assume they have to develop further.
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    Stealthiest growroom ever!! If you ask me.

    awesome! i need to get off my ass then. do i have to open an inlet vent or passive vent in another part of my room?? i have a window i could vent out or in but it could get frigid out there and accidently freeze something.