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  1. P

    stretching and browning of tips. overwatering?

    Wtf.? why have you planted them altogether like that-are there still in there pots if so take them out of there and just top the pots up to the top ,you cannot plant them altogether like that, thats what i meant in my previous post and when there root out the smaller pots pot them on to larger...
  2. P

    Two Stupid Newbie Questions...

    Marijuana shows sex when sexually mature at about 6 weeks veg when you put into flower at a small size it will just keep vegging anyway until its mature sexually.if you are going to grow in soil no feed is necessary as you pot up in stages there is enough food in the soil ,you will start...
  3. P

    stretching and browning of tips. overwatering?

    Hi there top up your plants with soil as high as you can and dont add any nutes there is enough in the soil for now,dont worry about humidity temps are fine,and get a better light over them to stop stretching.
  4. P

    How much darkness to induce flowering

    If you do that its root system will be shit,let your plant root out the final container before you go 12/12
  5. P

    Attitude seeds, your "TOP 8" strains are a joke.

    Try growing some of there stuff then like critical + rp and dna get given away all the time on attitude like all the other seeds on there.
  6. P

    First time grower, doubts about closet setup / Extraction, help apreciated

    Hi there i personally think you should mount outside to give more room . why are you growing 2 plants in there you will get just as much of one .give it the full light to itselve and i believe autos do better on a 14/10 light cycle but stand to be corrected.
  7. P

    Germinated in Rapid Rooters - When To Move To Light?

    Hi there when you germinate in cubes etc pull a little piece of the corner and put over seed in hole.i would just leave them now to do there own thing with a light on.
  8. P

    Help identifing spots. With picture.

    Hi there turn leaves over to look for any bugs underneath but i am pretty sure there feed splash burns from the light.
  9. P

    coco and watering

    Hi ryan keep your coco wet all the time i have done wet dry etc keeping it wet works the best,imo
  10. P

    Attitude seeds, your "TOP 8" strains are a joke.

    Another great post-bang on the head i remember buying some hyped up seeds of them robbing bastards doggies nuts-total f-----g shite and theres a lot more the same.
  11. P

    Attitude seeds, your "TOP 8" strains are a joke.

    Nice post friend like you i am a long time grower and this site needs your experience so please dont leave and i agree with everything you say.+1
  12. P

    Attitude seeds, your "TOP 8" strains are a joke.

    Always done well with dinafem especially like critical+
  13. P

    Lost cause?

    Hi yes there will be fine if you act now.dont feed anymore .dont overwater,lower your enviro to 6in for a 125 watt or slightly higher if more powerful,and make sure it can breathe properly with good ventalation.
  14. P

    Leafs dying quickly, rusty blotches.

    See the wey the spots run along some of the leaf viens its leaf spot fungus imho.
  15. P

    3 days into flower,need some help fellas

    One thing i learnt in my early years of growing was less is more,some of my best results in soil was to just use biobizz fishmix and nothing else,a lot of the other things that folk say are necessary are just making money for the sellers anyway its a learning curve and we all need to go down...
  16. P

    3 days into flower,need some help fellas

    Just trying to help you trulife based on my experience,anyway best of luck with your grow.
  17. P

    3 days into flower,need some help fellas

    Hi there youre using decent organic soil you do not need to add anything till 3 weeks in flower and you do not have to ph in soil . i have been growing for a long time friend and just trying to help you,.
  18. P

    my plant is enormous!! what can i do!?

    Hi just crush the stems and bend over there will repair break in days.
  19. P

    3 days into flower,need some help fellas

    You gave your plants all them different things at half dose-equates to more than full strength and then some-decent soil does not need any food till 3 weeks in flower.
  20. P

    Help save my clones!

    Hi there,what do you mean you took them out of the vermiculite and transferred to peat-dont disturb the roots when rooted and two of your clone pics have done that because of no humidity-the green ones keep them in the tank and mist them this should save them.