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  1. J

    Induce Branching???

    On salvia and other plants I've worked with, if you cut right at a node (for a cutting or whatever), it'll branch out a few nodes down. I don't grow marijuana so don't know if it'd work, but I assume it would
  2. J

    Please help these plants!

    My friend has two 8" plants 2ft below a 600w mh bulb for 18hrs a day with fans blowing on them. A while back, the plants growth stunted and the leaves started curling/browning after she began giving ferts. She flushed the pots and the plants started growing vigorously. About a week ago she...
  3. J

    Ballast or bulb problem? Both brand new!

    Hi, A friend recently ordered around $600 of merchandise from HTG Supply. - 600w digital ballast - 2 agromax HPS (they were backordered so one was free), growbright HPS - SuperNova cooled reflector - Digital Timer - 5gal grow bags - 4" inline fan - 4" carbon filter - Adjustable reflector...
  4. J

    Male plant question

    Let me just clear this up for you. Girls = what you want (flowers, vagina) Guys = NO (unless you swing that way) Kill them. The females produce the "fruits."
  5. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    You aren't the only one :) Thanks for the help, hopefully will have some GOOD pictures for you folks in a couple weeks.
  6. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    The pots have holes, but they have a tray on the bottom they drip into. If she flushes them, will enough water come out to not worry about overwatering?
  7. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    Thanks, all sounds good. Just have a few questions: How can she flush these pots when they don't have holes in the bottom? How can she bring the ph down when she flushes them or do she need to just keep filling buckets with tap, fixing ph, then flushing...or will it be ok with tap ph...
  8. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    Also, I want to add that these plants are 5 weeks old, why so small compared to others I've seen?
  9. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    Yeah she isn't going to feed them any more until whatever is wrong clears up. Any more advice? Would PH cause this or is it most likely not the problem?
  10. J

    Please help save my friend's plants! PICS

    So my foreign friend doesn't know english and so I'm posting this for her: She started with 10 white widow seeds from Nirvana seeds and Dr. Chronic gave her a free 10 mystery pack. She planted 12 in a 50/50 mix of peat moss and perlite. 9 sprouted, but were stretching bad so she put them...
  11. J

    Yellow spots on leaves, starting to curl?

    Well, she added some vinegar to the water to drop it down to 6.8ph, and hopefully pouring it into the peat soil will lower it even more. Will the damaged leaves die? When should I expect results before trying something else? Thanks
  12. J

    Yellow spots on leaves, starting to curl?

    Hello, So my friend's plants are having problems. First, the leaf tips would go limp and then brown, then yellow spots started showing up, and now the leaves are starting to curl a little. The curl is long ways, the main vein is the highest point, and the sides of it are starting to droop...
  13. J

    What's wrong with these seedlings, and what do you do with your trash?

    Hey folks, a couple n00b questions: First of all, my friend started her first grow. She put the seeds in a wet paper towel, they sprouted fine, and were transferred to 8" pots in a 1:1 mix of perlite and peat moss. A flouro was used for lighting until all the plants were about an inch tall...