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  1. S

    Purple Kush Report

    Im currently growing purple kush im a week into flowering and started to flower when it was 13 inches tall. This is a pic of when it first started flowering and it smells epic. Getting new pictures tommorow and will post on my forum first time indoor kush cfls/sunlight
  2. S

    purple kush

    Anyone know how much bud one purple kush plant started flowering at 13 inches would produce. Just like an estimate and has anyone here ever grown purple kush if so please check out my forum first time purple kush cfls
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    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    Just one problem i just transfered 2 days ago and am wondering if all that stress would be good for it. in my earlier post you can see it in an ice cream pale and beside it a larger pot and in the second pic it is in bigger pot should i still get an even bigger pot?
  4. S

    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    How many cfls should i have for one plant and also would it be better to get 2 2700k and one 6500k for full spectrum and about the tin foil i thought tin foil reflected very well and also my cfl's dont get hot so im just wondering how it could create hot spots if someone could explain that would...
  5. S

    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    To answer your question stinkbud it was about 1 week old and i germinated it before putting in soil
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    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    Right now i have 2 2700k 23 watt lights on it and just recently transfered it to a bigger pot as you can see in second pic and have more picture and videos of plant and i just got flowering nutrients it is foxfarms tiger bloom and i started feeding it to the plant using the feeding scheduels on...
  7. S

    25 days veg under CFL, how does it look?

    looking good cant wait for new pics and i like your setup it is similar to mine. I have a question too is there one plant in that pot or two?
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    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    New pictures could use advice any help would be great started flowering today and using 2700k lumen cfl
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    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    Here is a pic of it when it was a baby trying to get updated pics
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    First time indoor kush cfls/sunlight

    Alright im new to this site and have read alot but still have alot to learn. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what to do with my plant there are a couple problems such as, one brown spot and the tips of the bottom leaves are a browny yellow colour will try to upload pics asap i took...