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  1. S

    Purple Kush male? female? or too early to tell?

    Yea thats what i thought too and another pic
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    Purple Kush male? female? or too early to tell?

    Here are more pics. Anyone know how long a purple kush strain takes to show signs of sex or how long it takes to flower?
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    Purple Kush male? female? or too early to tell?

    Is this a pistol or just a leaf its 9 days into flowering and if it isnt how long is it usally beore you can tell the sex?
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    Hey i noticed that your very experienced with cfl growing and was wondering if you could tell me...

    Hey i noticed that your very experienced with cfl growing and was wondering if you could tell me how my purple kush plant is doing the most recent pics are on the forum Too late to supercrop?? any advice would be sick and is there any head shops in calgary that sell your book growing with a budget?
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    Fastest way

    Also another benefit is that they dont need changes in light patterns they can be 18/6 or 20/4 for their whole life
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    Fastest way

    Fastest way from what i know is to order lowryder seeds they start flowering once they pop out of soil and grow to be around 15 inches. I think it takes like 8-9 weeks.
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    hermi produce Female seeds?

    Hey i have some info 1/3 will be hermie 1/3 will female 1/3 will be sterile there is a link in this forum to back up what i said Does a bad seed from a hermie have 100% chance of being hermie?
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    Too late to supercrop??

    Is it too late im 10 days into flowering can get more pics if needed just having trouble getting them on the site any help would be appreciated
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    Another male lowryder ???

    Wow i never knew there were strains that are mold free and just start flowering as soon as they sprout. Thats sick they would be alot easier to hide lol. Also i would complain to the seed company because you piad for feminized seeds and you got all male that is bullshit.
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    Does a bad seed from a hermie have 100% chance of being hermie?

    Well i only have one plant so if its hermie il just grow it but thanks il remember this shit when i start my full scale operation
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    What up lol

    What up lol
  12. S

    Another male lowryder ???

    Do you have a veg and flower times like do you start of at 18 hours of light to 6 hours of dark or do you just do 12 hours on 12 off? Im wondering this because my plant is over a month old and once it got to be a foot tall i just switched from veg to flowering so i should be knowing its sex...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Hey i have a question is it too late to top my plant and make 2 cola's for more bud. Im on day 8 of flowering and its 13 inches tall with a diameter of 26 inches. Another question is it possible for a plant to grow 2 cola's or more without topping it?
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    Does a bad seed from a hermie have 100% chance of being hermie?

    Thanks that link really helped but one question by sterile does it mean it wont grow at all? I never even thought to look for pollen sacs on the weed but from what i can remember it was just standard purple kush but the reason i thought it was hermie is because my hookup told me it was. But who...
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    My First Grow Ever[Updating Frequently]

    Id just electrical tape it to be sure not worth having your hole operation burn down cause you used duck tape instead of electrical tape and i like your set up lots of potenital
  16. S

    Another male lowryder ???

    Just wondering how many weeks into flowering were you when you found out it was male cause im on day 9 of flowering and it is kinda showing some signs of presex i dont have recent pics but il add sometime tommorow
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    Does a bad seed from a hermie have 100% chance of being hermie?

    I planted a purple kush seed a little over a month ago but got the seed from some purple kush with lots of seeds. I was just wondering if it is for sure going to be a hermie and if it is a hermie do they produce less bud or do you have to do anything different.
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    First Grow, Using CFL's

    Are you in veg or flowering and how old is your plant?