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  1. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Thanks Noc, these things take a little getting used to. I was too cautious about overwatering and it turns out I definately was underwatering. (See below! :)) I've given you +rep for continuing to offer your advice/ideas on my little grow. Day 9 Well, the decent watering I gave all three plants...
  2. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Day 8 Well, progress has been slower today. I actually notice that one of the seedling has quite 'clawed' first speared leaves (the other two look better but I think they look like they could go the same way). I suspect thats a under/overwatering issue, and seeing as I've been seeing everywhere...
  3. petrol

    Plants grow better and healthier if music is played in your growroom?

    I take mine to gigs. She gets a bit worried though when everyone pulls out their lighters.
  4. petrol

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    lol, thats cool. Well it would have been interesting to see for me, as I'm quite new to growing... I'm sure others have also seen it many times. Very cool though, surely that's going to get pretty bushy if it's basically 2 plants in 1! How's your babies doing in their first couple of days...
  5. petrol

    Are my seedlings ok? Top heavy/stretch?

    Thanks, that puts my mind at rest a bit. Done. Cool, been rotating them to keep them straight since they sprouted. Thanks! lol :)
  6. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Nocturn3: Thanks for having a look at my journal here, and thanks for taking the time to suggest something :) Basically I'm quite nervy at the moment about having a grow op in my bedroom, so as much as I love my plants and I want them to do as well as possible, I can't really go to the lengths I...
  7. petrol

    Are my seedlings ok? Top heavy/stretch?

    OI YOU LOT. Stop being so mean, gimme some bloody help! :)
  8. petrol

    plant problems

    Sorry I should have clarified what I meant by 'sitting in a bucket'. I meant in stagnant water... have those buckets got drainage holes at the bottom? Air + old water will produce bacteria, if there are holes in the buckets and water is draining no problem then I'm not sure.
  9. petrol

    What size of pot?

    Obviously you should top them (cut top branch/es off if they get too tall, forcing growth outward, do this in veg stage NOT in flower. If I were you get pots with plenty of room (look around in grow journals for appropriate sizes) and just make sure you top the plants and/or tie down branches to...
  10. petrol

    leaf tips curling down

    Yeah 60 is like 15 deg C, which is well below average room temperature (usually 20C/68F+). I'd say you're better off at the 75 mark... If only I could get my temp that low :(
  11. petrol

    plant problems

    I'm certainly no expert, in fact I'm a first timer myself but that rockwool cube looks like it's too small for the plant? Plus if thats been sitting in a bucket with any moisture at all it's bound to be mould of some sort... I could be wrong, just educated guesses from all I've read/seen so far.
  12. petrol

    Are my seedlings ok? Top heavy/stretch?

    Hi guys, I'm on day 6 now with my plants, I've got 3 colombian gold. I have a grow journal thread HERE if some experienced growers can have a look. I'm really asking that I get some immediate support here as I'm (probably typically) paranoid about my babies... The problem I've encountered so...
  13. petrol

    1st journal, power plant, comments welcome

    Thats rather bizarre... almost like twins?! I can't imagine that's a bad thing though, it looks healthy. Looks like you're off to a good start, I'll keep an eye on this one I think. I'm curious to see how 'the twins' grow up. :) Check out mine if you get a chance - I'm only a few days ahead of...
  14. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Day 6 Well I had a quick look this morning before work, everything looks good after the 6 hour dark period. The seedling with the problematic stem seems to be doing fine after the repot, no impact noticable on it's growth... The closet is slightly warmer than I'd like, I'm not sure yet how I'm...
  15. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Just to let you know, I have begun a new grow journal for this first attempt. I've already encountered a problem, and hopefully I've already fixed it... but if anyone can offer any thoughts on it... please visit my grow thread
  16. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Another day 5 update not long after the last update Here was the plant (one with the pencil holding the bottom part of stem up). Interestingly once the temp had cooled I took the pencil away and it actually stayed up fine. The stem is now slightly bent, but hopefully it will stand up straight...
  17. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Day 5 continued.... I have a serious (i think) problem. I've just come home at the end of the day. While i've been out, one of my plants has basically 'leant' right over about 45 degrees. It looks green and healthy so I'm suspecting that it's a result of the stretch I mentioned in the previous...
  18. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    Day 5 Well the girls are all still standing quite proudly to attention, the pots were feeling light so I've given them a quick little water, and I'll not feed them again now til tommorrow night or tuesday morning. Temps between 25-30 C which I think is ok, humidity currently ranging between...
  19. petrol

    Colombian Gold (first grow)

    What I want & what I expect I'd really just like to have some decent bud to smoke. Obviously getting loads at the end would be great but I'm a realist and I'll be pleased with myself if I can grow more than an ounce and a half of decent bud first time around. I don't have a seperate vegging...
  20. petrol

    seed planting direction

    I must admit I dug down a couple of times to see if my seeds had made any progress at all too, literally planted about 2 days ago now, and they're breaking surface no problem at the moment... I'm a first timer too so I think you end up just thinking about it too much. As long as you don't let...