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  1. petrol


    Patience... give it another few days to a week. Keep a close eye.
  2. petrol

    Newbie wants to know about seeds:

    2 grand? What the hell.... are you trying to scare him away? Seriously you really don't need that much... I'd be surprised if you couldnt get everything for about $300 or less for a small setup, and thats not even skimping on anything really. I recommend any strain that claims to be at least...
  3. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Right azrultraz, thanks very much - I've just ordered the blue kit (veg lamp), and I'll probably end up getting the red kit as well for flowering unless I find a solution for the HPS heat issue. Anyway the plug and grow light systems definately look like a great deal to me, and your results look...
  4. petrol

    Good Sources to creat C02 in a closet gro

    Air has CO2... so by increasing ventilation you are already solving your problem. CO2 is of course very important for photosynthesis, but making your grow room unbreathable to man isn't going to make buds the size of watermelons.
  5. petrol

    Roots,, problem,, pics

    Errr.... my first thought other than "wtf is that diagram", is get bigger pots and re-pot your plants. If roots are growing out of the bottom then it's clearly telling you it needs more room. As for 'reach the water' you haven't explained your setup, so I wouldnt be surprised if thats why nobody...
  6. petrol

    Growing virgin

    Thanks chaps, good to be here :)
  7. petrol

    my eyes are wrecked

    Red eye is the result of dehydration. I get really bad red eye too when i smoke, but if you drink 1 glass of plain fresh water per joint or so, it should reduce the effect quite a bit. Of course it could just be burst blood vessels which isn't uncommon. A guy i worked with sneezed, when he...
  8. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Awesome asrultraz, thanks so much - I'll definately look into this. I take it 75w-110w was with regard to fluorescents as these lights you're showing me are 200w. The lights being 75cm are probably slightly too big for the area i was originally intending but it's probably better to go in the...
  9. petrol

    What is going on with my plant? (Pics)

    I hope you don't mind that I chime in with just 'holy crap'.
  10. petrol

    Thank God

    LOL, yeah but you get to look like darth vader... which is good.... right? Naw, yeah I see where you're coming from, I guess precautions like that really only apply to people who've had the problem before. I can imagine after a crop is ruined you'd do just about anything to have it happen...
  11. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Ok I guess maths don't lie, fluorescent it is (providing I can find the right size/price). What wattage am I looking for to sustain decent growth of 3 plants?
  12. petrol

    Thank God

    I've heard the best way to avoid contamination is put filters on any extraction vents that go outside, and wear different clothing when dealing with your grow (equipment, plants, everything to do with it). It sounds like good advice to me. Better safe than sorry.
  13. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Thanks for the heads-up, I've taken it off the pots. As for the light, I really dont want to be spending more on lighting, so what I may do instead then is use the bigger area (walk-in-wardrobe). Cheers for the reply :)
  14. petrol

    Growing virgin

    I'm not actually growing virgins... just to put any sick peoples minds to rest. Hi to everyone here who I've been spying on from a distance. I've been prepping for my first grow and I've found the most useful info here without spurts of arrogance from pre-pubescent teenagers. So thats good...
  15. petrol

    First grow setup + questions

    Hi guys, this is my first post so I hope I haven't made any faux pas'... if I have apologies in advance! So this is my first grow attempt. I've sourced 3 feminized Colombian Gold seeds, as I plan to end up with at least (hopefully) 2 plants at all times. I've germ'd them in tissue, which got...