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  1. I

    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    09/14/22 Back right plant, aka the runt, only in soil for two days here, her predecessor died during germination :( The other three are 9 days in soil. Seeds were germinated in a cup of water and put into coast of maine seed starter mix.
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    Ivor's first grow journal: Purple Haze

    Hello everyone! I am a beginner grower, this is my second ever grow, first time indoors. I don't know what I'm doing but trying to learn! I'm open to advice and constructive input. This grow was started early last month; the seeds went into soil after germination on 09/05/22. I started out...
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    Fresh rosemary for my plant babies?

    Greetings Everyone! :eyesmoke: I've been reading a bit about using fresh, diluted aloe gel in waterings and foliar sprays. Lots of growers seem to add silica as well. I have also seen that some people use diluted rosemary oil as pest prevention/remediation in certain circumstances. I am...
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    Dehumidifier for an 8x8 room

    That is one of the units I was considering, I decided to go with it. If I can't get the humidity in check with this dehuy and my AC I won't know what to do. Humidity has been frustrating me! Thank you for your feedback!
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    Dehumidifier for an 8x8 room

    May I ask which dehumidifier you've been using? Sounds as though you've been satisfied with it. I'm in the market for an approx 1500sqft unit that can keep my lung room at proper humidity. The room is about 12x12 with a 4x4 tent. Currently the ac unit I have which, can run on a dehu mode, is...
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    Help me diagnose these leaves please!

    Thanks for taking a look! I fed them last night and I think some leaves were already looking better this morning!
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    Help me diagnose these leaves please!

    Thank you for the advice! I just took some new photos with the lights off, a bit easier to see now.
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    Help me diagnose these leaves please!

    Hello rollitup! I know people get tired of presenting the same info that has been provided many times I'm sure. However, I've been looking over deficiency guides and lots of things mingle together and can easily be mistaken for one another by beginner growers...such as myself! From what I have...
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    Watering issue

    Thank you for all the info! Very interesting; I have much to learn.
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    Watering issue

    New grower here! I'm curious... What does the dish soap do to help combat the hydro phobic soil?