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  1. T

    wanting some opinions for a first time grower..

    Also.. forgot to mention.. i'm running GH nutes 1/4 strength, with some superthrive, and maxicrop. roughly 100ppm in tap water (sat out overnight). pH running @ 6.5-6.8
  2. T

    wanting some opinions for a first time grower..

    what temp, humidity, and lighting would you recommend for a seedling that is 6 days old, showing both cotyledons (sp?) and true leaves. I have 2 in Rapid Rooters in LECA in a DWC system both were transplanted after propagation in a Domed Tray after roots had grown through RR. and 4 in RR...
  3. T

    the wierd way I start out my seeds post your way! or opinions!

    I compared many methods at once trying several viable seeds. I used the paper towel method with a plastic baggy, i used the shot glass trick, and i used rapid rooters with a heat mat, and vented humidity dome. The Rapid Rooters were the first to take root and sprout, paper towel second, shot...
  4. T

    My first grow.. any tips & tricks would be greatly appreciated

    you have a nice grow man.. and yeah.. i'm doing as much research as possible. lol btw i have the same lil hygrometer
  5. T

    My first grow.. any tips & tricks would be greatly appreciated

    using rapid rooters in a domed tray with the assistance of a heating mat.. with some ph 6.2 distilled water with a few drops of maxicrop and superthrive.
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    My first grow.. any tips & tricks would be greatly appreciated

    here's a few pics of some seedlings @ 48 hours from sowing
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    Soilless Ph?

    this is the same variation i was reading about.. im confused at the BEST Ph for nutrient uptake
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    Soilless Ph?

    I've heard of many different levels of ph for my Soilless garden but i want to know for sure what you guys think. 5.7-6.2?
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    Soilless Medium Questions.. Commonly Used Ratios of What Mediums for handwatering?

    I've got grow bags atm. What would you suggest for those?
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    Soilless Medium Questions.. Commonly Used Ratios of What Mediums for handwatering?

    I was wondering if i could get a little bit of information on what's the best ratio for mediums such as vermiculite/perlite, peat moss/verm/perl, etc.. i'm thinking about doing 40% peat moss, 35% Vermiculite, 25%perlite but i was wanting suggestions as this is my first grow, and i would...