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  1. speakergrower

    is this heat stress?

    Some plants it seems react differently to heat stress, some of mine curl and some droop really bad. Hard to tell if I have a deficiency I doubt it because of the great color.
  2. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    So buy two of those then switch to the two softwhites I have for flower? Do you think the yeild would be worth it, it's just for personal use and keep in mind I LOVE growing the whole experience is just awesome.
  3. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    There 2700k So yep coolwhite, they arnt terrible are they? My plant seems to be doing fine with what it's got. I'm going to put some of the bigger five coiled bulbs( as opposed to the three curled ones I have now) I'm not sure how much more Watts it has though
  4. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    How can you tell my lights arnt cutting it anymore
  5. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    Thanks brah. :D
  6. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    there daylight I think they're yellowish not white. Threw out the box So just guessing. I just hope the strain will do alright in the short northern daylight I'm dealing with. Could you give me some pointers on how to know if my girl is ready to go out. I know about hardening them off. This is...
  7. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    I'm only using two 14Watt cfls about 2 inches Max from her until I put her outside
  8. speakergrower

    how my baby doing

    Two weeks and two days old, how's she look guys?
  9. speakergrower

    is this the claw?

    So it's a nute issue not heat? I've been using a quarter strength fert for about a week and a half. Only used it twice. It's 15-30-15 So not too strong on the N. I'll prologue flush next watering to be sure
  10. speakergrower

    is this the claw?

    Is this the dreaded claw or naw?
  11. speakergrower

    indica or sativa question

    Do indica and sativa plants have lighter green color as opposed to dark green? I noticed some of my plants have various shades of green and was wondering if this was an indication of it's genetics. Also width of leaves is supposed to be a sign of indica or sativa too?:-|
  12. speakergrower

    is this heat stress?

  13. speakergrower

    is this heat stress?

    Average temp of 80 degrees F watering with 1/4 nutrition solution when soil is dry 1 inch deep. My plants went clawed, I know how bad it can get. Just the tips are bending down and my lower leaves have a "wave" to them or wrinkle if you will. Leaves are healthy dark green and roots are growing...
  14. speakergrower

    is this heat stress?

    My set up is two cool white 2700k bulbs and I open the box (1x1x2.5) lat number is height. Speaker box I hollowed out. I'm using 1/4 strength 15-30-15 the soil is pretty decent on nutes so im leaning towards heat stress because of the healthy dark green color.
  15. speakergrower

    is this heat stress?

    The very tips of my leaves are curling slightly, is this normal? The leaves are a healthy green, no yellowing. Some leaves are sort of wavy. Is this due to heat or overwatering. I don't think it's overseeing, but just covering all the bases. Any info is appreciated thanks!:hug:
  16. speakergrower

    24 hour veg question

    IMO consistency is always appreciated by my girls switching them from flower to veg won't harm them too much unless left in the 12/12 cycle area for long enough to get really devoted to flowering. Then there will be alot of stress. I'd say if it's not 3weeks maximum into flower it's okay to...
  17. speakergrower

    making your own nitrogen fert?

    This is my Foster care bagseed baby. 2 weeks old. Looks alright, right?
  18. speakergrower

    making your own nitrogen fert?

    This is my two week fostercare bag seed plant, everything looks alright, right?
  19. speakergrower

    making your own nitrogen fert?

    I'm currently using mg actually haha. It's 15-30-15 So I figured I should have more nitrogen. Well that's what I've been reading.
  20. speakergrower

    making your own nitrogen fert?

    Is there a way to make your own nitrogen rich fert with household things?