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  1. speakergrower

    seedling that reeks already?

    I have a seedling that is of an unknown strain and reeks like a skunk. I mean really smells strong! I can't imagine a male smelling this bad. Could it possibly be a female due to me growing it in my window sill and the spring light cycle has thrown it into flower? But if So the plant is not...
  2. speakergrower

    The 1st Grow & Organic

    Disappointing about the data fck up I wanted to see that portion the most :(
  3. speakergrower

    purple stems?

    Almost every plant ive grown has had purple stems in the beginning, then slowly turns green as it gets thicker. I have a feeling it's just a seedling thing. My. Lower stem (before the cotyledons) is green. Just the new extending stem between nodes. Also the new stem growth is thicker than the...
  4. speakergrower

    purple stems?

    Really? That's great news with the short seasons of the northeast I have to deal with. I thought for sure it was saliva but I'm not that experienced, Thanks!
  5. speakergrower

    purple stems?

    I'm using some jiffy potting "soil" it says it has plenty of nutes but just to be sure I've been watering with a quarter strength fert. The soil is almost 100% vermilicite or how ever you spell it, it retains water like a sponge and I think the roots like how easy it is to expand through because...
  6. speakergrower

    chicken wire fence or alternatives?

    I heard of that method also I just hate having a cage you can see from 10 yards away. Being decreet Is my main goal.
  7. speakergrower

    purple stems?

    Do purple stems mean anything (deficiency or possibly indica or sativa) a scientific response would alSo be appreciated. Thanks.:D
  8. speakergrower

    everything looking good?

    Haha I didn't feel it was too specific. But prolly a good idea not to go into detail
  9. speakergrower

    When to transplant outside (age not season)

    Thanks you guys for your opinions, I like to start a season with as many seedlings as possible outside that's why I put them out early because my box can Only hold So many but I may let them get bigger this time and see what happens...
  10. speakergrower

    everything looking good?

    Last season onfrom all six of my babies got their first true leaves I sent them to the plot. But fucking hurricane Irene butfucked my plot and town! I live right along tHe Mohawk river in NY. So I couldn't see the outcome.
  11. speakergrower

    everything looking good?

    Two weeks old also. Sorry bout that.
  12. speakergrower

    everything looking good?

    This is one plant I have in my speaker I hollowed out for a grow box. With two cool white cfls. I'm wondering if you, the more exsperienced growers can find anything wrong. Also if this guy is strong enough to go to the outdoor plot. I'm also using 1/4 strength all purpose plant fertz 15-30-15...
  13. speakergrower

    chicken wire fence or alternatives?

    Last season I used chicken wire but it made my plants stick out like a soar thumb. I have a feeling this contributed to my biggest plot being seized by police. I'm looking into alternative ways to keep animals at bay. I've heard of using hair, urine and soap. does anyone have and experience with...
  14. speakergrower

    When to transplant outside (age not season)

    Do you think this guy is ready, it's about two weeks now...
  15. speakergrower

    When to transplant outside (age not season)

    UUnless your talking about transplanting because I already know the dangers of being rootbound
  16. speakergrower

    When to transplant outside (age not season)

    So keeping the plant indoors longer is basically harmful your saying?
  17. speakergrower

    When to transplant outside (age not season)

    At what age should I transplant my seedlings. Either in how many nodes I should have or days/weeks from the day of sprouting. All help is appreciated.
  18. speakergrower

    2 week old bagseed outdoor grow #2

    I'm going to when it's Time to go out, I don't want to have two different size pots in my box.
  19. speakergrower

    2 week old bagseed outdoor grow #2

    Here's two more I started at the same Time in my window sill the whole time. Oh and my pepper plant for the fuck of it haha.
  20. speakergrower

    2 week old bagseed outdoor grow #2

    I thought So with the ghetto set up I got going lol :hump: thanks for the reply btw had a feeling no one would.