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  1. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    Second plant in my grow op. She smells very skunky, and is progressing a little slower than plant #1. Vigorous vegetative growth. any guesses to the strain? 48 days veg, 22 days flowering (topped).
  2. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    First plant in my second indoor grow op. She smells like coffee and she was the first to show me pistils. Bagseed; any guesses to the strain? 48 days veg, 22 days flower (topped).
  3. GottaLuvIt

    Second Indoor Closet Grow Journal

    So I got some bagseed a few months ago from a friend of mine and I decided to give my grow closet another run. This is only my second attempt at indoor growing, and my first grow was kickass high class smoke, and that was just off fluoros. I used 228 watts of fluoro 4 foot tubing, (6 bulbs...
  4. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    So my girl has done her turn, pretty surprised for 228 watts of flouro tubing, but all in all, I think a pretty decent run. She smokes a dream!!! See you on the next one guys :joint: (any clues as to the yield by looking? I haven't officially weighed it yet)
  5. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    42 days flowering g-17 indica 228 watts 4 foot flouro's, 28 days to go.. (60-70 days) could someone please explain the concept of flushing and when and how it should be administered? thanks
  6. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    more pics, 26 days, g-17 indica, 228 watts fluoro tubes, she's starting to get frosty!! bongsmilie
  7. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    So I'm at day 26 with my girl and I've noticed some wilting today and yesterday. Yesterday I gave her some water and, she reacted well. Today I gave her a light perimeter feeding and she reacted well again.. so what can I expect tomorrow? lol Somethings obviously missing, so I've put an order...
  8. GottaLuvIt

    What the hell is worng is my plant

    provided thats a clone, (which it seems to me) I'd say your nutrient levels are too high and your lighting may be insufficient.. g/L!:peace:
  9. GottaLuvIt

    To Early to Flower?

    A good rule of thumb is, once you see an alternating node, you can give it a shot
  10. GottaLuvIt

    First Grow under CFL's AK-48

    force flowering a little too early might cause sudden death or mutations... I'd let it sit 18/6 a lil longer..:peace:
  11. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    more pics, 228 watts any yield guesses?
  12. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    20 days flowering, G-17 Indica:peace:
  13. GottaLuvIt

    Flowering Journal G-17 Indica, 228 watts 4' fluorescent tubes

    -Day 19, 12/12 -228 watts cool white, gro-lux combo 4 foot tubes -full strength 10-52-10 every week, (approx. 50 ml.) -G-17 Indica, local hybrid, 60-70 days, indoor/outdoor -about 1/3rd the way there! any advice? thanksbongsmilie
  14. GottaLuvIt

    Day 16, 12/12

    228 watts of 4 foot gro-lux and cool white
  15. GottaLuvIt

    Day 16, 12/12

    g-17 indica, day 16, 228 watts
  16. GottaLuvIt

    2nd week flowering, G-17 Indica 228watts

    The Gro-Lux are wide spectrum..
  17. GottaLuvIt

    2nd week flowering, G-17 Indica 228watts

    My grow room is a little congested; in terms of me getting a good enough photograph to display my setup, so I drew it instead.