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  1. GottaLuvIt

    2nd week flowering, G-17 Indica 228watts

    2 weeks flowering bud pics, there are too many bud sites on the plant to count!
  2. GottaLuvIt

    2nd week flowering, G-17 Indica 228watts

    sorry about the quality.
  3. GottaLuvIt

    2nd week flowering, G-17 Indica 228watts

    Fluorescent tubes are amazing!, the only problem I'm facing is position. I'm constantly elevating sides for adequate light distribution.. but I'm pretty pleased so far. So far I have counted 16 shoots that have cola hairs and already 7 forming hairs at the lower fan leaves of the shoots, and...
  4. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    Day 11 Flowering G-17 Indica, progressing rapidly under 228 watt 4 footers, quad pistils emerging almost by noon hour of every day, great progress, I hope this turns out!
  5. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    Thanks for your reply man, I guess we'll just have to wait..
  6. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    more pics day 10 flowering G-17 Indica
  7. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    You cant even ballpark the yield on this plant? The strain is an indica, which naturally means a thicker pistil, and I've been told the bud is rather thick, so lets say an indica average for an approx. 33 inch flowering plant.. Any guesses?
  8. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    Any ideas about how much this plant will yield? Thanks
  9. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    10 days of 12/12, G-17 Indica, 10-52-10 nutes, 228 watts cool white and gro-lux combo 4 footers. (3rd pic is the top cola) Any tips?
  10. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    Any ideas how much this plant will yield?
  11. GottaLuvIt

    Confirmed female! 1st Indoor grow, needs flowering advice...

    After 2months of veg and 1 week of flowering, my G-17 indica strain has shown me pistils! It's a local hybrid of the rare g-13 strain, and I need some advice throughout flowering, (so far 1 week of flowering) since this is my first grow indoors. Any ideas how much this plant might yield? So...
  12. GottaLuvIt

    Closet grow with pics

    why would you cut the leaf off that? thats stupid man, just let it live.
  13. GottaLuvIt

    Help! MALE OR FEMALE? Pro's needed..

    lol, no it was just a piece of soil, not an ant. Thanks alot for the input guys. I think I'm going to try and veg it a little longer, just so it gets bigger.. what do you think?
  14. GottaLuvIt

    Help! MALE OR FEMALE? Pro's needed..

    4 foot gro-lux and cool white combo
  15. GottaLuvIt

    Help! MALE OR FEMALE? Pro's needed..

    Ok so my plant is several days over 2 months veg and so far I'm not seeing anything that looks like staminate or pistils. 228 watts, 20/4 cycle any opinions?
  16. GottaLuvIt

    Closet indoor 1st attempt..

    Ok, so I've read that you can already determine sex after 30 days of veg. and I want to know what my plant is. (I was under the impression that you can only determine sex once you've started flowering) So I'm at 2 months and several days with my plant at 228watt fluorescent 4 foot tubing, but...
  17. GottaLuvIt

    Closet indoor 1st attempt..

    2months veg
  18. GottaLuvIt

    Closet indoor 1st attempt..

    So its been a while since my last post but I'm back to show you G-17#1 at 2 months and 3 days under 228watt w/s gro-lux 4 footers and a couple cool whites. 20/4 cycle. G-17#2 has died. Well actually, I tossed it away because it didn't seem to be healthy. lol I know I could have thrown it...