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  1. G

    uh oh, think i got a hermie?!! wtf.

    It doesn't answer it either. What if he simply mistook a herme for an all male? What if male sacks came simply before the female parts and he assumed they were all male? I mean there has to be a scientific answer, as a PURE FACT. The posters opinion that they were all male really proves...
  2. G

    uh oh, think i got a hermie?!! wtf.

    I hate to start another war between certain people, but some folks say that it's impossible to get a full male plant out of a fem seed. they say it's only possible to get either a female or a herme. Anyone know if this is true? If these were going to be fem seeds out of this herme, then man...
  3. G

    uh oh, think i got a hermie?!! wtf.

    As I has asked in another post, if these come from fem seeds, then wouldn't those seeds have been fem seeds this plant would have given? Couldn't you have wound up with absolutely hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of fem seeds from this situation? Aren't they like a hundred bucks per pack...
  4. G

    Busted growing stories you guys?

    I would be interested in any stories about getting busted growing in the past, and what happened. Makes for interesting reading, the excitement and worry, then the devastation of knowing you were busted, then what happened over it.
  5. G

    HPS Question - Need Help ASAP

    I don't see why you couldn't flower 4 plants with 250 hps, but I would think it depends more on the actual space, meaning how much light escapes from the area and how close you get the lights to the top and such. You could simply trim the lower branches and let most of the energy work at the...
  6. G

    HPS Question - Need Help ASAP

    I have fime small one under a 250 right now, and they are growing great other than when I keep hurting them with too many ntues, or over watering. I h=guess a lot has to do with your space. Mine is about 2 1/2 by two. Of course, I won't be able to take all five deep into flower. I am...
  7. G

    Question on hermes.

    I have been reading the thread on fem seeds. I understand that fem seeds can produce more hermes on average, but this made me think, fem seeds turning herme is also a good thing, isn't it? Wouldn't those seeds be fem seeds, and you would have a crap load of fem seeds? Yeah, they might be even...
  8. G

    One thing that6 has helped as a nube

    I saw on a growing video a recipe for a soiless mix. 50 percent Pete moss, 25 percent each of Ver and Per. What I have noticed is that this is a very forgiving medium. I have overwatered my plants a few times. It can be bad for a day, but this medium drains so well, it lets go of the water...
  9. G

    CFL Light setup

    I have read that thread. A good one. As I said, my new hps has put more growth on my veging plants in the last 35 hours that the 200 watts of 6500k CFL's were doing in two weeks or more. I think the situation is that with the CFL's it's hard to get even near the rated lumens actually to the...
  10. G

    CFL Light setup

    ---------------------------------------------------------- After all that, my 250 watt HPS is absolutely kicking azz over the 200 watts of CFL, 6500k IN VEG. That's just the simple truth of the matter, I have seen it with my own eyes. My plants have grown more in the last 35 hours under the...
  11. G

    HPS 250 whipping my 26 wattx8 6500k cfl's

    Probably doesn't make much difference. i thing hps 150 gives 16,000 lumens. i don't know if you can get the overdriven bulbs for them. My 250 gives 33,000, and i can get a bulb from hgt that puts 35,o00 lumens, so probably just as good as two 150's, and probably more convenient since there's...
  12. G

    Soil prep

    Read this concerning your lights.
  13. G

    CFL Light setup

    Read this.
  14. G

    HPS 250 whipping my 26 wattx8 6500k cfl's

    Jeeze, just read the thread you posted to. The 250 hps will be all you need in that small space. My plants are absolutely jumping out of their skin. I have two 42 watt 2700k cfl's i could use for flower with the hps, but when you get HPS, it makes you not want to use the cfl's just on...
  15. G

    HPS 250 whipping my 26 wattx8 6500k cfl's

    I got the 250 hps setup at HTG garden. many folks here use them. The 250 is absoluetly the perfect choice for a small closet. My space is small, only about 2 feet by 2 feet, with mylar around the walls. The proportion of light and heat is absolutely perfect for a small closet. I could have...
  16. G

    HPS 250 whipping my 26 wattx8 6500k cfl's

    Howdy folks. I had been veging under 8 26 watt 6500k cfls. 6 of them in the round metal reflectors you get at wallmart and the y splitters. Day before yesterday my HPS 250 came. I set it up about 12-15 inches above my plants. 33,000 lumens. I turned off the cfls. They were miserable to...
  17. G

    Baking soda/vinegar, I mixed some

    I used a spoon and put a few spoon fulls of baking soda in the bottom of a plastic milk jug. Stood over my plants and then poured some white vinegar in the jug. That stuff went to bubbling and fizzing, and I mean really fizzing, like seltzer or something. Was this co2 being released? Seems...
  18. G

    Home-made resin

    Isn't that cancer-causing tar? I have been smoking it out of my pipe but I have been in fear of cathing cancer from it. I still have a ton of it in my pipe. Are you saying I can boil it out, smoke it, and not worry about disease?
  19. G

    Is there Co2 in farts?

    Just wondering. If there is, could you eat a lot of beans and help your plants out, or would they die from the smell?
  20. G

    Question CFL\HPS

    Hmm To start with, you didn't answer my question. Second, I have heard that 250 hps will be fiine for a 2 foot by 3 foot space. For one thing, I will be throwing the males away, so I won't be taking five full plants deep into flower. More like 2 or three. I have been told by numerous people...