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  1. T


    what's everybody think of this set up, and or does anybody have it. It seems like the best deal I'm going to find for the combo. See link.
  2. T

    Homebox xxl

    I'm just wondering if anybody has one of these, and can tell me why when I turn my fans on that the sides of the homebox suck in like a motherfuc^&r.
  3. T

    vegitation lights

    is two four foot 40w each lights enough for veg. one is a cool and one is a warm? (see pictures of set up below). the light that is over my aeroponics cloning system is the same kind or light that is over my veg area in the other pic.
  4. T

    Need help

    thanks feelrealgood that sounds like some really good advise.
  5. T

    Need help

    Thanks purp for the advise. any clue about the drip system, about how long to drip the nutes, and how often
  6. T

    Need help

    I have some beans planted and one has the first set of leaves showing and is about 2 and a half inches tall. should I start feeding it nutes. I'm using floranova nutes. It says 1/4 teaspoon a gallon for seedlings. Reason for asking is some people say not to start feeding nutes until the second...
  7. T

    whats the trick with rockwhool

    I have started four beans in rockwhool and all of them died. I have two more in the rockwhool and they have popped out but the seed is still on the top. The last four all turned brown and died. I started these under the flouro lights thinking that maybe I'm shocking them when i pull them out of...