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  1. alwayslost

    does each flower turn into a bud

    i was just cerious does each flower turn into a bud or does it take mult. flowers for a single bud? Just wanted to ask since i have so many flowers all over my plants
  2. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    lol yeah it is a jungle
  3. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    i know they are not the best pictures but as it shows it not all that much all things considering
  4. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    lol my plants took off during flowering and are between 4-5 not including the pots so basically they are the heigth of my grow room so they are way close to my lights. i have been able to tie down the colas and started tieing down the side branches but more keep going into my light every day...
  5. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    i am already at 1/2 nuts and im just worried that since they are so big and have flowers everywhere the putting less in it will kill them....i guess with this being my first grow i worry to much
  6. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    So taking away the nuts wont mess with the flowering?
  7. alwayslost

    how long will they keep growing

    hello i am currently growing 9 dwc plants. and they are currently in the 3rd week of flowering and seem to be doing alright with the exception that they keep growing up. Right now they are between 4-5 feet and im out of room so i tied them over which worked for the main cola, but now the side...
  8. alwayslost

    another worried noob about flowering

    Hello i am running a dwc and im in the 3rd week of flowering. Now i know there is still a long way to go but with looking at other peoples grows on here at 3 weeks flowering, mine look so far behind. i am using 2 400 w HPS lights and have a ph of 5.8-6.1 depending on the bucket. and i vegged...
  9. alwayslost

    did my fem. seed have a sex change

    yesterday there were no sighs of flowers on any of my plants and today i found them everywhere but this one is diffrent it dosent have the white hairs and i dont know if they just havent poped yet but with the way they are clustering it seems to be a male and i just want to know what you think...
  10. alwayslost

    Dwc Grow Club

    ok i am guessing that this is a good place to ask a question regarding my dwc. My pants are around 15 in tall and still have no signs of preflowers and alternating nodes any suggestions on when it should be mature because i am getting to the point that i will soon run out of space after the...
  11. alwayslost

    i need serious help

    so ill be going to the local hydro shop on tuesday pick up some bloom nuts and flip them the additional co2 worth investing in i have two huge tanks already(i live in what use to be a bar and they left two full ones) i gust need to get a regulator so input on that would also be helpful
  12. alwayslost

    i need serious help

    thanks for the replys i guess im still expecting for something to go wrong and was just being to ahead of myself with switching them to flowering
  13. alwayslost

    i need serious help

    Sorry i need to flower them by 18 in but from what i read they are not miture so i do not know if it is worth it and thanks for the quick reply
  14. alwayslost

    i need serious help

    Hello i am currently in my first grow. I need to start to flower as soon as possable becasue my plants are getting too big. My smallest plant in only 9 1n. tall which still needs a while but all of my other ones are 11-15 tall. I have been reading posts on here that say eather wait for...