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  1. James286

    Washington only

    What I want in a plant Grows like a tree not a bush Flavor Yeld THC What I need to figure out is when to interduce the pollen.
  2. James286

    Washington only

    I would like to do that too! There are a few ways to pollinate your plants. You can do just once branch, I am going for the whole room (only 3 plants) I am still learning about it.
  3. James286

    What do you think?

    She looks great, I would say its about done, you could wait until some are amber, but don't let it go too long or you will lose flavor.
  4. James286

    Washington only

    In plant growth yes, but all and all he is going to do the same thing. He might want to get a different strain but again how is he going to grow it differently. Is he going to say "My plants are yellow, I better get on the Washington forum."
  5. James286

    Water Filter Suggestions?

    If your on Public Water I would go with a "Reverse Osmosis" setup, The setup can go under your kitchen sink. It takes out a lot of crap, you need to read more about it. If your on well water a simple filter should do the trick of you have sediment in your water. If your water is good, leave it...
  6. James286

    Washington only

    This form is here because Washington State is a Medical Marijuana state. It is helpful to talk to people in your state to discuss laws and possible help on where to find your meds (Despencrys). You will follow the same growing facts as anyone else here. Your rude but thats just my 2 cents!
  7. James286

    My Computer is fuckin broken

    Wipe out Windows and install Linux! I like Kubuntu or Xubuntu / Lubuntu for older computers.
  8. James286

    Washington only

    I mean come on! Thats bull shit? and from what I see your going indoors. Your going to get the same results, read the forums, why re-ask questions?
  9. James286

    Washington only

    You have a lot to learn, and not just about growing pot.
  10. James286

    Any other smokers out there?

    Only when I go fishing, but I haven't been out in two years.
  11. James286

    Are people inherently good?

    I just herd this story! I think it fits.
  12. James286

    Washington only

    Why is that??? Are Washington growers the only ones who can grow good smoke? What are you really looking for?? Edit
  13. James286

    Insomnia help?

    Its not a prescription! (Not anymore) look at the Vitamin Supplement store.
  14. James286


    What you have is just fine. Read about what distance to put your light, it makes a big difference when growing. I started with a two blub T5 I veg under a 400wtt (but I am going back to T5) flower 1000w both are HPS. Look around this from, your growing under good lights.
  15. James286

    Feminized seeds?

    I would like to know more about this! I would love to do that. Can I still get seeds from her?
  16. James286

    Do you trim first, or dry first?

    Me too trim hang then final trim and into the jar.
  17. James286

    Insomnia help?

    He might want to look at L-Tryptophan for sleep.
  18. James286

    Insomnia help?

    I have been told (Coconut Cannabis Capsules) worked good for sleep. I haven't tried it, usually smoking works for me.
  19. James286

    how do you?

    That is your light time on/off 12/12 is for flowering. :-P you beat me to it....
  20. James286

    Feminized seeds?

    And for those who are really parodied and worried about doing stuff on your personal computer