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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 28 in here new home
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    Yoo From England!

    finally finished my grow box
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    Yoo From England!

    a suggstion that my mate told me, get a tray place the pot in it and add some water and nitrigen mix to the tray so the pot is bout 2 mm submerge in the mix, (he said this makes the roots reach for the water, seem to have worked, but maybe the nitrigen mix was a bit stronge due to the wrinkled...
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    Yoo From England!

    started to smell too, but i cant decide if thats good or bad lol
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    Yoo From England!

    a few leaves have wrinkled up, is that a worry?
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 25 repotted, a few leaves have wrinkled up .
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    Yoo From England!

    is trhat a bud coming out in pic 3 ?
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    Yoo From England!

    nice, shes standing tall there, mines short n wide, yours tall n thin.
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 22 i'm back, aint been on for few days due to poor health. but im back with an update, my lil lady is turning in to a big lady, shes got lovely big leaves.
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 19 i added a tray of water in an attempt to raise humidity. so far it has only raised it by 2%
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    the temp is good at 85 F but humidity has dropped to 26% i think the humiditry meter is wrong coz my lady seems to be thriving well
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 18 things r looking a bit better but the 2 bottom leave look like their dead n dropping off Devildog if u dont understand imagine how i feel, i thought she was dieing on day 16 but on day 17 she looked radiant, she is just like a typical woman, changing her mood from day to day i've come...
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    its mainly the 2 new leaves, its turned totaly brown now(like it burnt) i water every morning, that could be the reason, but the reason why i water so often is coz the humidity is 29% now and i dont wont her to dry out. i dont understand why humidity is droppping, i have a fan n a vent hole to...
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 17 n shes not looking too goods, any1 no wots wrong with her?
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    Yoo From England!

    shes doing mate :) i was tolld not to repot till u see roots coming out the bottom of the pot. i was told to only use nitriogen n Phosphorus. patasium for flowering.
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    yes, i do have a desk top oscillating fan. my friend has a garden he repotted it for me. she seem to be doing ok but looks a bit dull.
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 15 humidioties still dropping
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 14 i replanted her back in a smaller pot as adviced. way to early for a big pot
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 13 theres discoloration on the leaves, does any 1 no wots up?
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    blu n red spectrum cfl question

    thanks, done it this morning, just wanted to no if it was the right thing to do, as i only have 1 room to veg n flower.