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    Sammyb's First Grow

    just had a look at the tubes n nothing butr volt,watts n amps
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    i have no idea wot is meant by 5500k. i see alot of post with those no. at the end but dont no wot they mean. a guess is that its the spectrum but my bulbs aint got those no. so no idae.
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    First Grow Sweet Afghani Delicious aka SAD S1 Auto

    i was told that foil would danage the leave
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    hi man its my 1st kush. my setup: a t5 2 tube cfl a fan in a closet with a 10 inch vent in the ceiling im currently rewiring 4x20w cfl bulbs to put 2 on each side
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 9 n alls good, went n got a proper camara
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 8 n everything look good, shes grown another cm n her leaves has grown too n a new 1 coming out.(aint live beautiful) i've rearrange the room so she gets more air from the fan, i positioned the fan so the air bounce off the walls as she still look pretty weak to get direct wind.
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    Yoo From England!

    1 question on humidity, i read on loads of websites saying that humidity should be 45/70% my himidity has never been over 45%. beside my way of thinking is that the high humidity is to keep the leaves moist, evey morning i give my baby a lil spray, am i right fore doing this?
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    Yoo From England!

    thnx for the wed site townlad, looks like i started on the nitrogen too quick. any 1 more in the no more then me is an expert to me, ts just nice that theres some 1 to give me answers. i post on other threads and no answers there.
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    Yoo From England!

    i started giving mine a lil nitrigen mix when the sirated leaves developed 1 quesrtion topgun, my leaves r a lovly green but my sten is pale, is that a worry? n do i have to worry bourt co2, dont want to suffercate her.
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    Not enough nitrogen 5 weeks into 12/12 wat shud i do ?

    wots with the agro peeps, every 1 has their own way of growing n wot to do, cant u disagree like adults or r u all kids on here
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    day 7 n my lil girls is looking good, nice green leaves but the sten is looking a bit pale hope theres nothing wrong. if any 1 reading this like to commend/advise would be appriciated. day 7 continued appaqrantly i started on the nitro too early, i gave her nother watering in an attempt to...
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    Sammyb's First Grow

    im new here n i discovered this a bit late but im gonna be updating the proggress of my lil girl. day 5 n she looked like this
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    Yoo From England!

    Ah! its a beautiful lil girl. she looking great, bit smaller then but the stem look better then mine. mine is a pale green (hope that not a bad sign) the leave r nice n green. how old is she btw? iv just astarted a journel where we can compaqre grow if u like...
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    Yoo From England!

    its amazing how much it grew overnight, its about1/2 inch tall with 4 lovly green leave
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    Yoo From England!

    day 6 of my grow n my baby looks beautiful. my temp is 25/29 C, 38% humidity. from my research they say i need humidity at 45/70% but logic tells me the higher the humidirty the greater the chance for mold, is my logic wrrong?
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    Yoo From England!

    pics ofd my baby at 5 days old
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    Yoo From England!

    from my research Multi-purpose compost is ok but need more nutrients, worm castings are only bout £3 from a garden centre only problem is im not sure how much to add so i just put a hand full. my cam bats r dead but when their charged i willl post a pic of my lil baby
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    Yoo From England!

    Hi peeps, my name is sam, i was recently diagnose with MS and was told marijuana was the best meds to stop these muscle pains. i brought some off a friend and it work(the best sleep i had for a long time),so i thought i'll grow my own but as it is illegal(ive never done anythng illegal in my...
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    f1rst time grower....

    Hi all, i just started growing for personal use. is this soil mix ok, 50% compost, 10% soil, 10% worm casting, 15% perlite and 15% vermiculite. any suggestions to improve on this would be appreiciated. sammyb.
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    Potting Mix

    Hi all, i just started growing for personal use. is this soil mix ok, 50% compost, 10% soil, 10% worm casting, 15% perlite and 15% vermiculite. any suggestions to improve on this would be appreiciated. sammyb.