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  1. K

    mixing biobizz all mix with light mix soil

    dude i went with all light mix at last grow.tried to follow the feeding schedule ı did before.using hesi not biobizz.(not much choice here)its ok when growing but i had issues when blooming start.lots of yellowing bottom leaves and gave them a lot more looked like me kinda waste of...
  2. K

    mixing biobizz all mix with light mix soil

    just cracked some auto beans.have to use biobizz soil.not want to deal with transplant because of autos.and do not want to harm seedlings at all mix.i wonder if i mix them both will i have a medium mix or any chance to fuck up the both soil? thanks for any suggestion
  3. K

    first cfl grow..need a bit help

    decided to try cfl lights.using 3 6500k 150w cfl for autos for dutch passion starryder.they are 40 days old and no signs of flower yet.ı have another 6 starryder under 400w hps they started to flower at 30-32.ı think at 40 days they should start flowering or give me some sign of...
  4. K

    Will one light coming off 5 min early cause hermie?

    shouldnt be more than 2 min 38 secs.
  5. K

    can i switch from indoor to outdoor??

    ı read different outdoor flowering times depending on strain.veged outdoor and flowered indoor before with some bottom yellowing problems only for once.worst thing can happen plants back to veg ı think.but you say you are already at flowering season.than you shouldnt be late to get...
  6. K

    have a question about trimming lolypoping..

    mate ı grew autos usually so far and cut off lowest branches with 1-2 bottom nodes producing nothing even late flowering.but you can stress your plant if you go far and try fully lolypop at that stage.probably things not change as churchhaze said.maybe you can save some energy
  7. K

    have a question about trimming lolypoping..

    sorry for late answers,falled asleep.not have the camera with me now.gonna try to keep live this thread with some photos in a week to show how they are turning out. will be grateful for any suggestions still.
  8. K

    have a question about trimming lolypoping..

    mate yours look bushy and healthy.ı wouldnt care if they look like plants stretched far much than specially on side branches.this why ı thought to cut some bottom nodes instead of lower branches.
  9. K

    have a question about trimming lolypoping..

    mates ı have 6 autos under 400w hps.used 24 hours light mostly on veg and they streched a lot.ı decided to trim lower branches to gain enery for upper sides. ı was a bit high and decided to bring some top of lower branches and cut of some bottom nodes on upper branches.after...
  10. K

    wats the best lighting for whole cycle?

    yeah dude its better to have 20/4 or 18/6.but this is not the point.which lightning will be better for both of them rest of the day wen the sun get away..this the main problem .
  11. K

    wats the best lighting for whole cycle?

    ı have 10 auto plants.3 of them flowering for a week under sun light.6 of them is vegging under mh for 2 weeks also sunlight.ı see 6-7 hours sun light is not enough for flowering plants.ı will take them under the bulb with vegging plants.which lightning will be better for both...
  12. K

    anyone growth sagarmatha ak48 auto?

    have 4 seeds of it.but ı read there are genetic problems and they are not flowering..the threads ı read were like 2 years old and not much info anywhere.if anyone try or hear about it do they worth to try or ı should keep my nutes and electric?
  13. K

    Muslim prayer room wanted for Catholic University.

    fuck you.just respect man noone cares your ass to blow up.why you most think all muslims are terrorists like usame agent?we all worried and cursed the terror at 11 december in my country as like when you tortured and raped the civils at ıraq,also when your jewish brothers killed palestine...
  14. K

    Need help with HPS lighting problem

    heating up is normal.but it sounds more like a ballast problem
  15. K

    400 watt hps autoflowering grow question

    starting my second grow.will go for autos due to lack of time.have six seeds germinated for now..thinking to order another pack and go for 9-10 auto plants.if ı use 2 gallon pots ı dont have space problem,my reflector is ok and have mylar it ok to go 9-10 plants under 400 watt...
  16. K

    need help on a good strain + general questions i have

    if ı have a hydro never care about autos dude.ı would just go and buy a regular strain that ı can control veg and flowering the way ım flowering 3 small and 3 big plants under 400 watt hps.
  17. K

    Kushberry - 8 weeks flowering, sick?

    nice buds dude,jus patience for another 2 weeks.dont need to add anything.
  18. K

    What's Your Favorite Type Of Music?
  19. K

    need help..overwatering prob.

    got that %3 hydrogen peroxide and used it..they are bouncing back immediately..thanks so much for the advice.