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  1. K

    yellowing bottom leaves

    having slight burn it possible to do have both starving and nute burns?
  2. K

    yellowing bottom leaves

    thank ya for the info dude.guess ı can have some fish emulsion to do my work..
  3. K

    yellowing bottom leaves

    probably with a nitrogen def.with 2 feet,7 weeks old vegging plants.first bottom fan leaves got all yellow and fall.second ones getting yellow and losing that a big deal?how should ı add some nitrogen?(having a little burn issues) and should ı clip the dying leaves? thanks...
  4. K

    Why are they curling and yellow

    seems like a little bit nute burn.but dont take me that serious ım just a noob
  5. K

    wtf is that?

    thanks for good info and good wishes buddy
  6. K

    wtf is that?

    if they dont leave in a day will shoot em all :D
  7. K

    wtf is that?

    yah thanks dude.ı saw their damn eggs.ı should spray them ı think.
  8. K

    wtf is that?

    having this white spots on leaves for a long time till before ı potted them.waited for if it is growing but very very slow and unproper with very dark green fan leaves. ı dont know its fungus or something. will be thankfull for any suggestion.
  9. K

    having trouble with my girls..any help will be appreciated.(first grow)

    damn having much concern and asking noob questions.thanks dude..should ı reduce the nute solution?
  10. K

    having trouble with my girls..any help will be appreciated.(first grow)

    ı got two yellowed twisted leaves on tops one of my plant.and yellow tips on the top another of my plant.they are about 6 weeks growing outdoor with a 6-7 hours first grow have searched but dont know if its nute burn or deficiency of mg or something.a week ago got some heat...
  11. K

    outdoor heat stress need HELP (very first grow)

    yah thanks dude they are not that bad now,but they will be if goes on like that.have the best luck with ur girls also.
  12. K

    dude,we are exactly having the same problem.have a look my thread..ım thinking to use mylar...

    dude,we are exactly having the same problem.have a look my thread..ım thinking to use mylar or some other reflecitves on the top of the soil. if something works well let me know too.ı will be apreciated
  13. K

    HELP1 outdoor heat

    dude,we are exactly having the same problem.if something works well let me know too.ı will be apreciated
  14. K

    outdoor heat stress need HELP (very first grow)

    thanks good luck with your girls dude..was watering in every 5 days..for the top of the soil and bucket is it okay to use mylar or some other reflectives..or only straw,moss?
  15. K

    outdoor heat stress need HELP (very first grow)

    they are about 4 weeks,growing at roof balcony with a 6-7 hours direct sunlight.their leaves tips started to twist and curle so ı started to shade them,giving only 2 hours of sunlight.its always 95 degrees around at daytime here.cant do anything about the climate and ı guess they wont...