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  1. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    Yeah Catt. Actually I was talking with my uncle the other day and he said he like hair..... sMH sabor toothed crouch crickets
  2. T

    What would you be doing?

    Tonight I am stuck in my truck with only an iPad, what would you be doing. I can't smoke I am at work! Plus I don't have any anyways SMH
  3. T

    Small Closet Grow

    What happens though when you order 25 seeds at 250$ and 20 of them don't make it or are males? Just random questions not trying to argue lol
  4. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    Lmfao great convo
  5. T

    Owning a bong is now a felony in...

    Why does this stupid ass sate have to be soo GAY!
  6. T

    Small Closet Grow

    I really wish I had a bigger space its kinda annoying for me to be dealing with suck a small area. I have no idea how people use pc cases smh lol
  7. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    damn, why can't you be my next door neb
  8. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

  9. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    I don't get it.
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    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    Lmfao, i don't think i've ever seen somebody flush before lol
  11. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    I had that problem when I had 3 jobs at once one time. I would smoke soo much that i didn't care if i dropped some but believe me when i got broke again I found that bud!!! Lol Crown it's a hard life man it really is. i am sure he will allow you to keep the hair lol
  12. T

    Car Salesmen

    Hey thanks guys, I really apprciate the insight. I am glad they have a get paid garente (SP). I sold car wax for awhile and thats actually how i came about getting this job the guy liked the way i convinced him to buy my product on impolse alone LOL. Try selling a can of carwax to a manager at a...
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    Small Closet Grow

    Ohh okay i will look it up, The autos looks like somthing i would try, another question I have for you. Do you think that getting that many seeds would be even worth growing the weed. I mean with all expenses added up will it be worth it? I mean you can't really clone an auto because their...
  14. T

    Car Salesmen

    So I have been offered this job as a car salesmen, I was wondering is there any fellow car salesmen out there that could give me some insight on what it's like, what to say and what not to say at the interview and what should I expect in the days to come. I have never sold a car before other...
  15. T

    Small Closet Grow

    May I ask what a SCROG is? I am sorry if that is the simplist of terms but I have personally never seen a description. Yeah the studs SUCK!!! I had hit them before! Oh, and totally I knew I wouldn't get these numbers in my first few grows but eventually you know what i mean?
  16. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    Being random and kinda funny doesn't make somebody weird as shit. Lol
  17. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    It neither one of you btw lol.
  18. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    I have learned my lesson, only use this site for optaining knowledge not soicalizing with the weird ass people the internet has to offer. Noted and Remembered.
  19. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    Just because i don't have shit tons of extra cash does not mean I don't have two vehicles in my name and my house that was passed down from killed relitives..... Taxes on a house in a county like is like buying the fuking thing all over again.
  20. T

    What I would do for a .7 right now!!!!

    An whats up with that fat ass you posted a pic of?