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  1. I

    First Sprout!

    When i do transplant it would it hurt the plant if i added that miracle grow potting soil to the hole that i am going to plant the sprout in?
  2. I

    First Sprout!

    So about a month and a half ago i must have gotten really high and put a seed in this planter box outside my bedroom window. Well i forgot about it until today when i decided to take a look and what do u know it is growing! It is about 6 inches high, i can't tell whether or not it is a male or...
  3. I

    Driving high

    I drive high all the time. I am so much careful when i am high too. Never been in an accident or had any close calls when i am driving blazed. Cruise Control is my best friend when high. BTW, if you want to get soem tips from an ex xop as to where to hid bud in your car watch this video...
  4. I

    how long till my germinated seed

    Does it matter about the soil quality it is planted in outside? Like say on the bank of a creek?
  5. I

    What did you name ur piece

    Blue Boomer
  6. I

    Finish the sentence above you!

    girl all night long Smoking weed makes me feel.....
  7. I

    How Much Do You Pay For Your Weed?

    $20 a gram $25 Half 8th $50 Eighth $300 ounce
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    Post pics of your bowl/pipes/bongs etc

    As the thread title states. I'll start This is my primary piece. I like it, has a little thing on top if i want to make a neclace out of it. Nickname "Blue Boomer" Piece #2 Your standard straight hitter. Shaped like a mushroom. This was given to me by a friend who used to smoke, but...
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    Largest amount smoked in a single sitting>

    I'm kind of a n00b on this board, but iwas just wondering what the largest amount of ganja you guys have smoked in a single sitting? For me and 4 other friends hot boxed the shit out of my buddies cadillac. For 3 hours we sat in there smoking a 16 gram blunt of some dank off nug. All i know...
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    Another fallen soldier

    That sucks. He had quite the set up going for him Although doesn't suck as much as the bust that happened at SDSU (San Diego State University) I have to laugh at this cause my brother is a member of Phi Kappa Psi at another school. So now whenever he says my friends are stoners all i...
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    When is one old enough to get high?

    I know people who started toking when they were 15. I didn't start getting into the herbage until the night of graduation from HS. Now i've been smoking for the better part of 3 years, but i have some friends who have been high every day since they were 17, he is 24 now. I know a lawyer, biggest...
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    How long will it take to get seeds from Dr.Chronic to NY?

    Is this Dr Chronic a reputable source for seeds? By reputable i mean a source that won't have the DEA or cops sitting outside my door
  13. I

    Sad to Say, I ended my grow....

    that sucks dude. Better to be safe than sorry.
  14. I

    First time Grower

    Sweet. Thanks for the tips. I'm out, i'll be back later on. I'm gunna rip a few bongs and play some xbox
  15. I

    First time Grower

    How do i do that? Like slowly place the pots outside so the plants can adjust to the outdoor weather?
  16. I

    First time Grower

    Yea, i told him he should advertise on forums like this one but he doesn't want his company to have the wrong reputation. As of now it is a small company, but hopefully he will get bigger soon. A while back when we were getting baked he said when the company gets big enough i'll have a job...
  17. I

    First time Grower

    Is there any special method i should follow when i plant them outside or are the plants going to be alright if i just take them from the pot and put them into the ground
  18. I

    First time Grower

    Yea, my buddies roommate has this company called Agrowtek (Agrowtek Inc. :: Technology to Help You Grow! Environmental Control Systems) He started the company in college to help him grow, now he makes stuff that is meant for Green houses but the principle can be transfered over to anything...
  19. I

    First time Grower

    I'm not growing enough for me to justify buying a timer. I just today put the 4 seeds that had germinated into pots. Done
  20. I

    First time Grower

    I'll be keeping them inside until it gets a bit warmer out. As of now i keep them under light during the day then around 9pm i'll put them in the dark. Right now they are in the dark