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  1. N

    drainage problem.. please help

    Well it appears that i have not put enough perilite in my soil to help drainage. Is it possible to spoon some of the soil out, like make 2 holes about 8" deep, on either side of the pot and fill with the perilite? or will that only help drainage in those 2 spots? What else can I do? I would...
  2. N

    Finishing cab but a few ?

    Well I am finishing up my cfl grow box. Well just redesigned it. I have a 250cfm boost fan for exhaust hooked up to a carbon scrubber. I have a 105cfm that i was gonna use for circulation and keeping the lights cool. I also have 4 small computer fans. Do I need to draw the air in from the...
  3. N

    Odor control

    Yes I do. I have a window fan blowing in on the lights, and an exhaust fan blowing out the back of the box. Depending on how warm its gettin in the box I sometimes keep the doors open. The exhaust fan is 105cfm dayton. I found that I can cut a hole in my wall and run the exhaust into a closet i...
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    Odor control

    Cool thanks guys, if someone has some pictures of there fan and ducting coming from the cabinet, It would give me some good ideas of what you are talking about. Are your cabinets all air tight? I have holes in mine for venting and stuff like that. Will a carbon srcubber hooked to one fan blowing...
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    Odor control

    Well I know this has been posted many times, but here goes. I live in a mobile home home and it is kinda hard to duct anything outside, from where my grow room is, and even if it wasnt I wouldnt have a clue how to run it all outside. What can I do to get rid of the smell, what works best for you...
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    it says used for indoor plants, the true color anyways.
  7. N

    4 foot Wooden cabinet and a 150watt hps...Is my house going to burn down?

    you will be fine just vent and keeps a fan on to keep everything cool
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    Natural sunlight along with grow lights.

    I would say block the window. If your lights are going off at 6 and if there is still light coming in that is not good. You want it to be total darkness, in the dark period.
  9. N

    2 computer fans

    lol I cant wire stuff to save my life. I actually used a atv battery and hooked it up to a trickle charger to keep the battery charged and runs the fans. Cant shut them off but my room is right next to the furnace so it stays kinda warm anyway. I would like to hear how you wired them to a power...
  10. N

    Inexspensive CO2 solutions?

    Hmm I have heard about the co2 thing but never really researched it. I would like to hear a little more about this also. If its somthing I may try can use the co2 tank from a paintball gun?
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    First Grow - Questions: Lights, Seedlings, LST, Yeast

    Well I can answer 2 of your questions the yeast and co2 thing I am not sure of. You do not need to plant in a smaller pot. I germed my seeds and then put them in those small peat moss pots that can be put right into a bigger pot after you have sprouted. I fill the moss pot with dirt add the...
  12. N

    Disposing of

    Hey where do you guys dispose of all your by product, after your harvest? Just throw it in the trash?
  13. N

    What is the best way to hang when drying

    I have been searching and have found nothing. I am looking for a thread or some pictures that show how they are being hung and how they are cleaned before hanging.
  14. N

    What is the best way to hang when drying

    What is the best way to hang the plant for drying? Hang the whole plant upsidedown, or just the bud branches?
  15. N

    How Long

    ok cool Thank you. I had to flush 2 of the girls and have been having a few problems with them since i flushed. Have it all fixed now... I think. I will start with just regular water from now on. Thanks alot for the help guys. What is the thing to get so you can post pictures and it looks like...
  16. N

    How Long

    cool thanks guys I dont what strain I have , it is just some good bag seed. The flowering cycle startes when i change the lights to 12/12? This coming friday will be 7 weeks, So I am close. Whawhooo. I should flush in the next few days then? ANd only give plain water from now till then?
  17. N

    How Long

    How long is it usally when the trichs are clear, till it is time to harvest? I want ot know when to stop the ferts and to do the last flush. Thanks guys
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    How Long to flower

    sounds good guys thank you for the replys
  19. N

    How Long to flower

    I will see if I can get some, I dont really like to post photos for obvious reasons. I am not sure what kind it is, I just got the seeds out of a bag of some decent stuff I had.
  20. N

    How Long to flower

    I have been on 12/12 for 5 weeks and have done lst training. I have 3 plants that are showing alot of bud sites. How long before I harvest these babies? They are just bag seed.