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  1. mike1977

    Getting Ready To Start 2nd Grow - Tangerine Dream

    im a big fan of the canna nutes range and use them all the time one more thing you could add is when your on week 5 of the flowering stage get some canna pk 13/14 and add that for 1 week to 10 days the plants love it gives them a pottasium and phosphourus kick its £15 per litre and you only need...
  2. mike1977

    Humidity control

    What's the best way to raise the humidity in my room during the veg stage and the best way to lower it during flowering
  3. mike1977

    Not much smell

    If you got any mildew in your grow room you need to get it out asap if any spores get in to your buds you not gonna be a happy bunny as they will rot from the inside out and you will lose most if not all of your crop take it from someone who found out the hard way
  4. mike1977

    Help needed starting to think its all gone wrong....

    i would only use it at the beginning of week 5 for about 10 days max and yeah give it full strength at 1.5 mil per litre thats the best time and ratio to use it at
  5. mike1977

    out of control

    you can use canna boost accelerator all through the flowering stage it is a bit expensive but worth it as well as the canna flores but at week 5 for 7-10 days also add canna pk 13/14 plants love it as its pure pottasium and phosphourus thats what i use and always get good results
  6. mike1977

    Resin Production ?

    go easy on those shears you will end up stressing your plant out dude
  7. mike1977

    FoxFarm nutrients

    the nutes themselves wont produce more trichs more light will trichomes are basiclly the plants sunblock so the more light you got the more trichs you will get
  8. mike1977

    Help needed starting to think its all gone wrong....

    if your on week 4 of flowering then on week 5 for 7-10 days get some canna pk 13/14 it gives a phosphourus and pottasium kick to the plants and they love that during flowering its only 15 quid and you should be able to get it from the same place your got your nutes from i use the same nutes as...
  9. mike1977

    when to harvest

    what would be the point of harvesting so soon all you will succeed in doing is wasting your own time if they have been budding for 2 and a half weeks you will have at least 7-8 weeks left just be patient and wait trust me you will be glad that you did because your yield and quality of smoke will...
  10. mike1977

    New Grower

    hi hibbzy im a uk grower and you can get most of the stuff you need from ebay including nutrients so the ones i use are for the veg stage i use canna vega terra and for the flowering i use canna flores terra it needs to be terra because your growin in soil i also add canna boost accelerator this...
  11. mike1977

    12/12 from seed have a look at this guys thread he grows 12/12 all the time best place to look if you ask me hope this helps [url]
  12. mike1977

    second grow opinions please

    ok so im just about ready to do my second grow and i have decided to go bigger from my first grow so my new grow room is 5.5ft by 5.5ft and 7ft high im gonna be growin 6 ladies (2 white rhino 2 big bud and 2 kalashnikova ) and im wondering if my 600w dual spectrum will be enough for all or...
  13. mike1977

    opinions please

    when you say you'd switch em do you mean use the dual spec for the veg and then back to the hps for the flower
  14. mike1977

    opinions please

    ive just started my second grow now white rhino and big bud and they are currently under a 600w hps and im wondering if its ok to switch to a 600w dual spectrum for the flowering is this a good idea or will it just cause them to veg for longer even if their on a 12/12 cycle advice please...
  15. mike1977

    New to growing, advice please and thank you

    personally you want to get them outta those see through cups asap and into some dark coloured pots cos the lights will damage the roots and also any tin foil you got in your grow room needs to be removed as it isnt great for reflecting light and again will cause more damage to the plant than good
  16. mike1977

    hps or dual spectrum

    man they look nice so im guessing that i still use the mh for most of the veg then switch to the dual hps for a bit of the veg then all of the flower stage thanks
  17. mike1977

    hps or dual spectrum

    ok so can I use the dual bulb for veg and flower or should I use the mh for veg then change to dual hps for flower
  18. mike1977

    hps or dual spectrum

    ok so ive just finished my first grow and i was very happy with the results and im already planning grow number 2 and just want to tweek a few things to get even better results so in my first grow i used a 600 mh to veg then a 600 hps to flower but i keep hearing about dual spectrum bulbs and...
  19. mike1977

    i think i got tricked..

    dude you need to wait til the flowers have grown and matured then been dried and cured before you even think about smokin those plants
  20. mike1977

    does anyone know how to setup a small grow system (growing inside closet)?

    how are you gonna be growin is it soil or hydro whats your growin space and your budget