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  1. mike1977

    first grow how long til harvest

    Yep had a look and I think you could be right what's the best thing to do here
  2. mike1977

    first grow how long til harvest

    Any ideas on the weird looking part of the bud anyone
  3. mike1977

    first grow how long til harvest

    Any advice guys help anyone
  4. mike1977

    first grow how long til harvest

    so im on day 45 of flowering of my first grow and i was wondering roughly how much longer i should wait til i chop down the strain im growing is white rhino now i know some of the buds aint the biggest but i didnt expect to get massive buds first grow also if you look at the first pic some of...
  5. mike1977

    Where do the buds grow from

    as long as it takes really it all depends on the strain your growing some can be done in no time at all and others like the one im growing white rhino can take 9 weeks you just gotta look at the hairs until most of them have turned orange or if you got a hand held microscope look at the...
  6. mike1977

    Closet Grow, Noob

    right o then do you have a hydroponics shop near you if you do then great you can get everything from there if not you might have to get some stuff online like your nutrients and lights so you want a good quality soil and some perlite and you want to mix the perlite in to the soil a ratio of...
  7. mike1977

    buddah white dwarfs not flowering after 30 days?

    got any pics that would help if you do
  8. mike1977

    help with canna plz

    Does it say hydro on the front if so you need part 2 of both for them to work
  9. mike1977


    i looked there and all i could see was the treacle maybe tescos will have some cheers
  10. mike1977

    Noob looking for help with grow (^_^)

    i grow in soil you can paint the sides with a flat white paint or if you can get it line the inside with mylar sheeting lights are up to you i use a metal halide for my veg then switch to a sodium halide for my flowering but some people use a sodium all the way through it also depends on your...
  11. mike1977

    help with canna plz

    theres 2 types theres canna vega hydro which is for the run to waste system and comes in 2 bottles or theres canna terra which is for soil and comes in 1 bottle which 1 have you got if you got the hydro its 40ml of part A and 40ml of part B per 10 litres of water but you put them in seperatly...
  12. mike1977

    Noob looking for help with grow (^_^)

    depends on how many your gonna grow if your only doing one or two and security isnt that much of a problem then you could open the cupboard door for 20 mins 2 or 3 times a day that would supply fresh air to the plants and also expel the hot air thats in there
  13. mike1977


    thanks for the info just need to find somewhere in the uk to get some now
  14. mike1977

    Noob looking for help with grow (^_^)

    ha ha good way to measure to be honest thats way too small to grow a decent sized plant by the time you got lights and everything else in there is that your only option for a grow area
  15. mike1977

    Noob looking for help with grow (^_^)

    That tank looks way too small what's it's dimensions
  16. mike1977


    Well I'm gonna need a doob before I even think about reading that lol thanks though I will read so I'm wondering would something like black treacle be as beneficial as molasses
  17. mike1977


    Ok so I'm a uk growing newbie and keep seeing on here about molasses what exactly are they and where can I get them from
  18. mike1977

    1st time growing looking for some advice...(pictures included)

    how far away from the plants is the light and to be honest if your growin 11 babies and they all or mostly turn out to be girls your gonna need more than 2 150w hps otherwise you aint gonna get enough light penetration to the lower limbs as they get older but even with 3 or 4 plants your really...
  19. mike1977

    Two Wees Old Today, How Do They Look?

    yeah man they looking nice but yeah get them outta those clear pots asap
  20. mike1977

    Orange Hairs Already

    So roughly when should I start seeing some really dense buds