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  1. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    well its been three weeks today since i planted the seeds. i took the intake fan out and put it inside the cabinet to blow on the plants. The tallest one is still looking kind of rough but the shorter ones actually look really good. I think NoB was right about the pH problem because it seems...
  2. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    Thanks, thats actually my plan but im gonna make sure they dry so i can remember the difference in weight.... I appreciate all the help from everyone
  3. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    I dont have a pH tester yet... thats my next purchase. but im letting them dry out now. and ill start watering them when they need it instead of trying to have a schedule
  4. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    ill swap the intake fan around today. i always let the runoff run down the sink. Thanks for all the help guys
  5. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    i water until i get runoff but im pretty sure now that the schedule was a bad idea. so just water when the soils dry? its not MG, its called Jungle Growth Water Wise. but im guessing that its probably close to the same thing, time release that is... and just to make sure i understand, i dont...
  6. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    no nutes yet. they arent even 3 weeks yet. temps are between 70-80 for the most part. i started watering them every other day then someone mentioned watering a small amount everyday while they were still small and i tried that for a couple days but ive cut back to every other day. its jungle...
  7. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    bump for pics...
  8. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    sorry for the delay but i got some new pics up. some of my lower leaves are drying out and turning brown. i tried to get a good pic. if you have any idea whats causing this please let me know...
  9. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    quick update... if youll notice in my first pics i didnt fill the cups all the way up with dirt. im not sure why i did that but today i removed the plants and filled the cups all the way. the roots on all the plants looked good but the biggest one really suprised me how much the roots had grown...
  10. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    thanks man im definitely gonna try that... Ive actually looked through your journal... i liked your setup. good looking plants im trying not to rush it. just want to get the males out asap
  11. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    ive been watering my babies every other day. does that sound about right in party cups?
  12. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    thanks... i do plan to use LST. the plants are only a week old today so ive got a little time to figure out what i want to do. the only problem i have with this is i dont have a seperate place for my clones at the moment.. im working with limited space but this is an awesome idea...
  13. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    would it be ok to take them out of flowering once i know which ones are female?
  14. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    alright guys, sorry for posting so many times back to back but i really want to figure out the sex of these plants a.s.a.p.!!! I need to get any males out as quickly as i can due to limited space....
  15. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    any help here guys?
  16. R

    Proud Parent Here!!! here is a link to my journal with pictures...
  17. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    bump for pics... Actually i have a question too. how soon could i switch to flowering just to see if these are females? i plan to revert back to veg after that but i want to get the males out of there.
  18. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    these are the two that are doing the best... i already lost one that never really opened up and the other two just look like miniature versions of these two lol... in the last picture you can see my small intake fan and the big fan is my exhaust fan... i tried to get a couple pics of my setup...
  19. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    Sorry i didnt get any pics today. i moved recently and cant find my camera. ill try again tomorrow...
  20. R

    1st Grow... CFL... LST attempt!!!

    Thanks man. its just some bag seed im trying out mainly for experience.