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  1. budstar

    First Grow - Nirvana Northern Lights Auto

    Been a while since I've updated, but things are still going well with the grow. She's getting fed every watering now (about 5-6 days apart). Here are some pics: Day 29 Day 32 I'm expecting her to start flowering soon based on what I've read about these plants.
  2. budstar

    First Grow - Nirvana Northern Lights Auto

    I'm not really sure, but I've read that they take around 8-10 weeks from the start. Around 4 weeks to flower and then 4-6 weeks of flowering. When did your's start to flower?
  3. budstar

    First Grow - Nirvana Northern Lights Auto

    Hey all, been reading a lot of grow journals here and thought I'd start up my own. I started my first grow about 3 weeks ago. My philosophy behind this grow is to keep everything as simple as possible, so that I can get the basics down. I want to learn as much as possible with my first grow so I...
  4. budstar

    First grow failed

    Going out on a limb here, but I don't think MG has anything to do with your problems. I think your problem was heat stress. How close were the CFL's to the plant and were all 7 on? Where is the sensor for your thermometer? My plant was showing signs of heat stress about a week ago and I noticed...
  5. budstar


    I think they put that there more for the marketing than anything else. The nutes that are added to the MG perlite look like they're pretty much negligible. It's 0.04-0.01-0.06. I just mention it because I think at some stores the only option is MG perlite and don't think people should be scared...
  6. budstar

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    Yea, I hear ya man. It definitely seems like growth comes in bursts, which I guess makes sense because she gets water in bursts too. One thing I'm noticing is that it's difficult to tell if things that I do have a direct affect on the plants. I'm keeping this grow as simple as I can, but it...
  7. budstar

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    Well, it's been 4 days now and I think she's looking good. No new problems, although some of the leaves are still a bit curled. The discoloration on the leaves hasn't gone away (I read that it probably won't), but new growth looks good. She sure has grown a lot since I fed her 3 nights ago :)...
  8. budstar

    Internet Banking

    For most shops, if not all, it won't show up as anything related to marijuana on your statement. It's similar to if you purchase porn or deposit money into an online poker (in the US anyway since online poker is illegal). I can't say what herbies head shop will come up as, so maybe someone else...
  9. budstar

    seed gender?

    That picture doesn't really make any sense. I'm just a noob, so I honestly can't say whether it is accurate or not. Even assuming you can pick 1 female out of every 10 seeds reliably, if you throw away 9 out of 10 seeds you're obviously throwing away some females...
  10. budstar

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    Thanks for the feedback guys. She's looking about the same after 24 hours if not slightly better, so I'm more confident now that the light was causing the stress. I bought some food and a timer on my way home from work today so I can get her started on 18/6 and some nutrients :D
  11. budstar

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    Thanks for the advice cranker. I'll bring it down to 18/6. I haven't started feeding yet and when i first saw the light spots appearing I thought maybe it was a nutrient deficiency, but the upwards curling confused me because it didn't seem to match the pictures I was looking at of the various...
  12. budstar

    Worried Noob, Seeking Advice 2 Weeks into First Grow

    Hey all, I've been lurking here for a while and finally decided to start a grow of my own. I'm about 2 weeks in and happy with the progress, but a little concerned with my plant the last couple days. Depending on how things go, I might start up a journal on here soon. Anyway, here's some info...