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  1. jhughes

    kinda cold...tell me how long.

    Alright I just got some pics, this pic is from last week before I changed the reservoir. So they bulked up a little more. But I have never grown these strains before, and by the looks of this bud formation I would expect maybe like 4-5 weeks left? What do you guys think.. All 4 plants look this...
  2. jhughes

    Space cheese, northern lights, bubble

    Trust me dude, that's not done haha. That is the canopy, and those hairs are super premature, im going to wait longer. Thanks tho dude, ill take more npictures tomorrow so everyone can actually see, these plants have atleast 4 more weeks.
  3. jhughes

    Space cheese, northern lights, bubble

    Alright I just got some pics, this pic is from last week before I changed the reservoir. So they bulked up a little more. But I have never grown these strains before, and by the looks of this bud formation I would expect maybe like 4-5 weeks left? What do you guys think.. All 4 plants look this...
  4. jhughes

    White Widow prices?

    damn, 4000 a pound around me..350 an Ounce. That is not bad at all, damn...I wonder why that dude is sellin so cheap.
  5. jhughes

    Is this a herm?

    Yea you don't have to worry about those, you would see a bunch of banana sack like things, you're good.
  6. jhughes

    extreme boxes for lighting.

    Alright I was wondering if any one could help me find a cheaper alternative to routing all of my lights to a controller box that I could buy. Other than I have not really heard of any other ones. Does any one have any suggestions for an alternative power box, that I could find...
  7. jhughes

    temperature reduce flowering?

    See my plants are doing fine, maybe ill go and get a bigger heater or one of those thermostats that measures a starting temp and then when the temp drops it'll tell me that too. This is the 7th week of flowering and the buds are still small and forming so I was just wondering if that was do to...
  8. jhughes

    temperature reduce flowering?

    Yea I have one of those in there, the plants are huge, and getting better the buds are just not getting as big as I thought they would as fast.
  9. jhughes

    temperature reduce flowering?

    could even be 50 degrees in there and 60 when the lights are on...I know I have sativas and they take awhile, but I am just curious
  10. jhughes

    temperature reduce flowering?

    Can the temperature within my grow room,stunt the growth of my buds? or do any harm... my plants look perfectly fine right now, but just curious. because I doubt the heat within the room is getting up to 80s maybe 75 and 60-65 during lights off. let me know. thanks
  11. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    im pretty sure that it is female because the sacks if male should havebeen opened by now, im in the 6th week of flowering with sativa, so i'm unsure when the sacks should pop open if a male, I would think it would have happened by now
  12. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    alright cool, I will try to upload some pictures tonight or early in the morning. The sacks are not in numbers, there are just small little sack like things, just like the things pictured above the Wvmade posted. They have one single hair coming out. Or it might not even be a hair, but just a...
  13. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    I guess I need more help on distinguishing between a hermie and a male and a female... these sacks have one hair popping out, I think its a male or a femal, but the plany already has bud forming on it. I dont know what todo. My other three have the 2 white pistils that were forming in pre...
  14. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    Alright but I took a look today and I am having serious trouble deciding if it is a hermie or not, the buds all have the white hairs and shit. There are some small balls, but they are not all bunched up and dont look like bananas or anything and also have white hairs coming from them, or kind...
  15. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    i think I am going to do that, I dont really want to risk my whole crop do to one plant..thank you for your suggestion, it was lights off during 12/12 so I didnt want to disturb them so I will probably do that tonight once they turn back on a.s.a.p
  16. jhughes

    hermie need to know whether to cut or not.

    Alright just found out that out of 4 of my nice size plants is a male, but the other half is female! So I am thinking about cutting the half that is male out and just leaving the other half in... thoughts and suggestions would be great! thanks.
  17. jhughes

    4 weeks into flowering

    Everything is going great now, it seems like things have sped up very nicely/
  18. jhughes

    4 weeks into flowering

    any other opinions are welcome even if you don't know the strain, any help would be great. The temperature in the tent when lights are on is a little lower than it should be but all leaves look great, and they're are white hairs popping up all over but they were there within the first week of...
  19. jhughes

    4 weeks into flowering

    Yep the pics should show up below. I put them through 4 weeks of veg before I switched to 12/12.
  20. jhughes

    4 weeks into flowering

    I have 4 plants of space cheese, that are almost into 5 weeks of flowering, they are all showing white hairs and buds are forming somewhat nicely. I am a little concerned that they are not forming as fast as they should be. Is any one familiar with the strain or that can be some help? thank...