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  1. hibitydibity3048

    stretched babies

    Would tying a very loose overhand knot in the stems of a few of my stretched babies hurt or help? I have heard all kinds of weird ways that one can improve the growth of their plants, so i was just wondering.
  2. hibitydibity3048

    Tonights smoke!

    Fuck smoking those pine trees. If i wanna taste mint ill buy some orbit. ha ha.
  3. hibitydibity3048

    Shmoked with my old man for the first time

    Yeah I know what you mean. I dont even know why i have one. Probably just to look like i have friends.
  4. hibitydibity3048

    Shmoked with my old man for the first time

    yeah but if you knew my dad u would be like what the fuck. He had me convinced that he had never tried it. But i was wrong. I have friends whos parents smoke but they are not upstanding citizens by any means. Even though watching my dad hit that chillum was the shit, it was like i was smoking...
  5. hibitydibity3048

    Shmoked with my old man for the first time

    hell yeah man i made that shit on facebook. and i just realized that you did too. Yours is pretty bad ass, but ive always thought it would be funny if there was a hawian character on south park.
  6. hibitydibity3048

    Shmoked with my old man for the first time

    My dad has never approved of the use of marijuana. He has a degree and had a white collar job for 20 years. Never in my life did i ever think i would hear my pops say, "C'mon lets go smoke a joint". The best part was he hasnt smoked in 30 years he said so he felt doped out of his mind. We were...
  7. hibitydibity3048

    Extreme attack of paranoia

    Oh, Mr. vcrew.gambit. You are a funny guy. I just make that joke because although it doesnt exist, people know about it.
  8. hibitydibity3048

    Extreme attack of paranoia

    Thats funny, i just went to check on my plants and i saw a wabbit. By the way when i was fishing to today i spotted a mountain lion. It was less than 100 yards away from me. Whats scary is that mountain lions roam on 25 square miles and my plants are growing less than 5 miles from where i saw...
  9. hibitydibity3048

    Do police use motion sensing cameras?

    I had the same question suci. Did you go to check on your plants and find one of them cut down or something.
  10. hibitydibity3048

    Extreme attack of paranoia

    why do you say that. Id rather live in narnia or tarabithia. ha ha. then no one could fuck with your plants.
  11. hibitydibity3048

    Extreme attack of paranoia

    So today I went out to water my plants, which have been in the ground for about a week and are already up to my knee, and I saw that one of them was lying on the ground appeared to have been cut down. What alarmed me was that the stem did not appear to have been chewed on by a deer because the...
  12. hibitydibity3048

    how to change PH?

    I have PH up and PH down that is used for my spa. Can I use this to balance my plant water PH or will it kill them.
  13. hibitydibity3048

    Need Help Involving Parents

    well she will probably take it away so only show her like a 1/4 of what you bought and tell her it was high dollar shit.
  14. hibitydibity3048

    Best Diy Grow Box Ever!!

    i think they have to be hooked up to some kind of circuit board the same way it is in a computer. We just recycled an old computer and i was gonna take the fan out but i realized that i had no experience with that kind of thing.
  15. hibitydibity3048

    when to flower?

    well im pretty sure i have the right bulbs, so i guess now all i have to do is wait until i can determine the sex.
  16. hibitydibity3048

    when to flower?

    yeah i know, i just dont have the money or a way to effectively vent the heat created.
  17. hibitydibity3048

    when to flower?

    yeh ive thought about that. But none of the bulbs i bought indicated the light spectrum. One is pretty flat white but the other two have kind of a yellowish light.
  18. hibitydibity3048

    when to flower?

    nice, how many watts were the bulbs you used? Did you get them online or something because i just bought mine from Lowes.
  19. hibitydibity3048

    when to flower?

    ive got room for it. but im using cfls. I have three 100 watt bulbs but they only use 36 watts a piece.
  20. hibitydibity3048

    Best Diy Grow Box Ever!!

    I would divide it horizontally so you can flower and veg at the same time.