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  1. hibitydibity3048

    Growth VS Yield

    how tall should a plant be grown before changing the lighting period to yield between a quarter to a half oz of bud?
  2. hibitydibity3048


    alrighty, thanks man
  3. hibitydibity3048


    Well i might take you up on that because i do not exactly have a green thumb. by the way does anyone know of a seed site that is not only reliable, but CHEAP?
  4. hibitydibity3048


    Thanks a lot for all of the reassurance. I am very happy to have found a sight where i can ask questions rather than be spoon fed information from other sites.
  5. hibitydibity3048


    Yeah i tried the paper towel method with no results, but its worth another shot. Will the root expose itself when soaked in water long enough? Or does this only happen when using paper towels? Thanks for the tips
  6. hibitydibity3048


    i have left the the seeds in distilled water for several days and the root has never exposed itself. I use a variety of seeds so i know that at least some of my seeds are good. right now i have a dozen seeds which have been planted in peat pellets and it has been 3 days, i know it normally...
  7. hibitydibity3048


    I am having a hard time getting my seeds to sprout. I soak them in distilled water until they sink and put them in soil but of the dozens of seeds I have planted only one has sprouted (and doing quite well). Does anyone know any tricks i could use because I built too nice of a grow box to just...