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  1. C

    Green crack!!!

    12 cuttings from my friend last week. under t-5 48 watt, 1 red, 3 blue. hand fed once a day. sitting in a plug clone tray in rock wool plugs. any suggestions? any advice on when to transplant, to what...what nutrients would be ok to use this early to help supplement the leaves yellowing and...
  2. C

    new grow

    indoor closet, 2 fans, 1 air conditioner, 12 green crack cuttings. 48 watt t5 1 orange, 3 blue. mini plug clone tray. hand fed once a day, bottled water. first week.
  3. C

    week 1

    New grow with pics, keep up if you want. Green crack. week 1.
  4. C

    Cultivation license

    was wondering if anyone can give me direct contact information for the cheapest doctors to get a cultivation license.
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    Hello, I have a ebb and flow, flood and drain system that can hold upto 12 1 gallon pots. I use volcanic rock for my medium with the plant being in rockwool as a plug from seedling or cutting. I was wondering how many times I should flood, and for how long ?...from cutting stage or seedling...
  6. C

    Anyone Addicted?

    Addicted to the Volcano
  7. C

    Day 49 of flower.

    Thanks for the replies, I use a Volcano Vaporizer now, it works great...sometimes too high I can't move anything at all, seriously. Try inhaling, exhaling into the bags :) ...always fun. Onto grow 2.
  8. C

    Day 49 of flower.

    So I cut my plants at week 7 exactly, 2 swerve, 3 strawberry cough clones. 2 weeks veg, 7 weeks flower. 400 watt hps, ebb and flo, Technaflora starter kit nutes. I may have cut them about a week early, hairs were about 3/4 red, so I cut a little early, it looked like I may have cut a little...
  9. C

    Day 49 of flower.

    Hairs are about 3/4 red, should I cut em down? I had to tie them all together because they are wayyyy too big for the little 1 gallon pots, so they are tipping everywhere, does anything happen if I cut em down a few days early? Or is it just personal preference? There are a ton of crystals :)...
  10. C

    Day 43 Flower Pics.

    1st hydro grow, comments please! Everyone! I had spider mite troubles during 1-2 week of veg, and 4-5 week of flowering, I believe to have killed them all with a spray from Target for flowering plants. Setup: DWC Flood and Drain Lights: 400 watt mh/hps pots: 1 gallon reservoir: 6 gallons...
  11. C

    Day 37 of flower with pics...

    Hey everyone, if you have not been keeping up with my grow journal...let me fill you in. Setup: Ebb and Flo' Lights: 400 watt mh/hps pots: 1 gallon reservoir: 6 gallons w/pump nutes: Technaflora starter kit Timers: 2 grasslin non grounded with 1 APC outlet converter for higher then...
  12. C

    Flowering Plants leaves turning yellow

    I am about 32 days into flower and there are alot of leaves turning yellow and withering up. The flowers look fine, it's just the leaves. Anyone know whats up? Ph 5.2 PPM 1150 temp 77.7 humidity 47% other 5 plants seem to be doing fine and are nice and green. Some smell danky, some smell...
  13. C

    1st Hydro Grow, pics and Q'

    I am using rockwool plugs in hydroton volcanic rock. I hope to get a decent harvest. I use a vaporizer, how do I get really potent cannabis? Any tricks?
  14. C

    1st Hydro Grow, pics and Q'

    What should the humidity be at during veg and flower state? Same with PPM during these phases. Day 28 of flower System: Ebb and Flo' Lights: 400 watt HPS/MH, 12/12 Nutrients: Technaflora starter kit Plant in corner = bag seed, other 5 are strawberry cough x3, swerve x2. temp: 77.8 avg...
  15. C

    Day 23 of

    Here they are, day 23 of flower stage. temp: 77.6 humi: 59% pH: 5.2 ppm: 1250 lights: 400 watt hps, 6 inches away from tallest plant. Topping: I topped the tallest plant day 2 into flower, 4 new colas arrived. Trimming: I trimmed some of the larger leaves to allow the light to penetrate...
  16. C

    1st Hydro Grow, pics and Q'

    One important Q!!! I have a 6 gallon resevoir, do I top the resevoir one day with water and the next day with 1/4 str. nutes? adding nutes boosts my ppm, I think it's already too high? no? Day 12 of flower ppm 1180 ph 5.2 ec 1.87 Does this look ok? I have an ebb and flow set up, flood and...
  17. C

    Ph question

    So if my ph levels keep increasing, that means they are drinking too much water? What if my ph levels raised, my ppm levels raised?
  18. C

    need help with sex

    Here is a pic for you...1st= male 2nd =female
  19. C

    My ebb and flow setup

    Hey forum, I just want to start out by thanking forums for the growing knowledge I have obtained! I am a first time grower on day 9 of flower. Just a few short months ago I did not have a clue about growing ANYTHING! nor have I grew anything in my entire life, well except maybe...
  20. C

    Day 8 of flower pics

    Enjoy!! Please look at my other posts if you are interested about my set-up. Clam