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  1. C

    1st Seed Grow Journal-2007

    1st grow pics. Setup: Ebb and Flow Baby Bloomer-6 gallon resevoir with 1 gallon pots. Ph-5.7 ppm-unknown temp: 75.8-79.6 humidity: unknown Oscililating fan on low for strong stem growth. Lights: 400 watt MH switchable to HPS. Light Cycle: Day 1-10 24/0...Day 11-17 18/6 due...
  2. C

    Check out pics

    Almost wrappped up here.
  3. C

    Check out pics

    Looking good yet?
  4. C

    Check out pics

  5. C

    Check out pics

    Let me knoww hat you guys think plz.
  6. C

    Check out pics

    Here are some more pics, I have to post them backwards for some reason.
  7. C

    Check out pics

    ok I think I can pic it up now.
  8. C

    Check out pics

    Seeeds, germinate process.
  9. C

    Check out pics

    1st grow pics. Setup: Ebb and Flow Baby Bloomer-6 gallon resevoir with 1 gallon pots. Ph-5.7 ppm-unknown temp: 75.8-79.6 humidity: unknown Oscililating fan on low for strong stem growth. Lights: 400 watt MH switchable to HPS. Light Cycle: Day 1-10 24/0...Day 11-17 18/6 due to heat...
  10. C

    best SoG settup for a noob

    I went with the Baby Bloomer Ebb' and Flow system. I had about the same budget you did for my equipment a few weeks ago. I ended up with the complete system/pots/pumps/growing medium etc. 400 watt valuline switchable ballast with MH and HPS bulbs. Technaflora nutrient starter kit. ph...
  11. C

    1st grow, check the pics!

    Should I lower the lights even after heat stress? The leaves seem to be curling up a bit if its anywhere dropped below 2 feet, i am at 3 feet right now. I don't know what strain, sorry.
  12. C

    1st grow, check the pics!

    Well I am 2 weeks into my first grow. I just moved them out of the closet due to heat stress. Do you see those mirrors? The plants are not directly in the mirror, nor is the light...should I be ok from getting hot spots? I looked directly into the mirror to ensure no part of the plant would...
  13. C

    Leaf Curl

    Well I just turned the lights off and will begin my 18/6. I have the Baby Bloomer Ebb and Flow hydroponics. If you search under Clamil, you can see my pics on some of the other forums. I deleted the pictures from my camera otherwise I would just import now for ya. I am running my...
  14. C

    Leaf Curl

    I am currently on a 24 hour light cycle right now, have been for the past few weeks. My leafs are starting to curl, does this mean too much heat? I feed twice a day 15 minutes each time. Let me know what the problemo is por favor. Clam
  15. C


    CFL, hardware store? I am a newb too, but it seems thats the cheapest, most efficient way to go bud.
  16. C

    Please read this, I need assistance

    Yellow spots means too much water or light? Check these out and let me know if they look ok. Thanks in advance, Clam!
  17. C


    I'm glad you answered that, I had the same Q. Now I know! Thought I was doing something wrong for a moment.
  18. C

    Read this, it's important

    Sorry just needed a title people would read :D. How exactly do I make a clone from a random bag seed, about 2 weeks old. Thanks in advance, Clam
  19. C

    1st Seed Grow Journal-2007

    Does this look ok? any advice or comments? Please!
  20. C

    1st Seed Grow Journal-2007

    Day 7- December 1, 2007 9:56pm The plants that were directly under the MH light seem to grow a tad faster then the ones on the outside. I gave the plants fresh air today and drained/cleaned the resevoir, as well as the tray. New 7.0 pH water with full str nutes have been added to the 5...