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  1. mwine87

    FLkeys1 outdoor grow 2015

    crazy green thumb.
  2. mwine87

    FLkeys1 outdoor grow 2015

    I'm in! Can't wait to see your garden bloom. One of each of those cuts from the Crazy BD and Purple Haze survived. I'm gonna throw them in my tent and get them ready fro a winter crop. Had some of my Lemon Kush out last winter and it went completely purple. Just one more thread to keep an eye...
  3. mwine87

    LST advice?

    Are these outside for this summer? If so you don't have a whole lot of training time left... I'd let them do their thing, take the top off even. If you had pinched and topped here and there, an even bushy canopy would've been possible. My 2¢.
  4. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Panoramic view from my smoke spot in the yard.
  5. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    1st is a Lemon Kush I've trained a bit. 2nd (left to right) Blue dream x Mulanje, Revegged Lemon Kush (pollinated with Blue dream pollen), Papaya by Nirvana. 4th is the lemon kush in the 1st. Behind it is another Blue dream, lemon kush, papaya combo. There is a Bubba Jurple floating around.. I...
  6. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    My phone was out for a week, only internet I have. WOW is all I have to say! Everyone has beautiful, well loved gardens! All this pruning talk.. I've got a pretty heavy hand. I did alot of bending, but not breaking this past week. I'll get some pics up in the morning. Almost snapped a few, but...
  7. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Southern California is Hot Hot Hot right now. I hope everyone is staying Hydrated and keeping those ladies watered. This summer is gonna be crazy hot.
  8. mwine87

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    what would Peroxide do?
  9. mwine87

    Best Outdoor Nutrients & Other Questions

    just picked up a canister of All Purpose Maxsea... Can't wait to see its results.
  10. mwine87

    Blue dream outdoors,what is finish month from experienced people that grown it

    Those are nice!!! Great job with the mainlining! Extensive training, but well work the time.
  11. mwine87

    pistil hairs disappearing

    it may be revegging if outside. Were you doing a Light Depravation?
  12. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    ladies are starting to get big... Excitement keeps building...
  13. mwine87

    Clone questions?!?!?!

    I take my cuttings, sit them in water for maybe ten minutes. Pack solo cups with Happy Frog, make a hole with a stick, insert cutting. Soak soil through and place under CFLs 80% success rate. No hormone necessary.
  14. mwine87

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    so the dispensary I frequent, has recently started carrying Gorilla Glue #4 and Cherry Pie. The Flower Lab in Riverside County. Just picked up a bit of the GG#4, pretty excited. Super crazy sticky.
  15. mwine87

    Weird growth....any ideas

    nope, Neem oil. Look for it on amazon. DYNA-GRO was the brand I bought. I got in a local Hydro Store here in SoCal. You should have an easy time finding some online.
  16. mwine87

    Weird growth....any ideas

    I had some of the same on a plant this year. I was told by another couple people on here that it was more than likely broad mites. Neem oil in a soapy water spray seems to have halted anymore odd growth. Get some if you don't already.
  17. mwine87

    Smart Pots or Air Pots

    the ability for the roots to grow through the walls of geo pots and the like, water running straight out... It only makes me want to dig a big hole and put the whole bag in the ground. Root protection from critters? I think so. Otherwise, I like normal smooth plastic containers with drainage...
  18. mwine87

    Help me out Guys!?! what is my problem on these leaves?

    soapy water has to work til Friday. Budget won't allow anything right now. I'm keeping a close eye, it doesn't look to be spreading at all. Thank you for all the help guys. I'll update when I get some neem oil. MW
  19. mwine87

    Help me out Guys!?! what is my problem on these leaves?

    made a soapy water spray and applied that yesterday. I'll grab some neem oil today. I'll keep you posted.
  20. mwine87

    Help me out Guys!?! what is my problem on these leaves?

    its outside. Can't give it anymore light. Thanks guys for all the input, guys. I'll get some distilled water and use that for a minute to bring down the ph, of that's the case. Don't have a way to test it