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  1. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    Another thing you'll learn here, spwell chick is opshunial.
  2. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    Then take lessons from me, you should see the looks I get when people find out I smoke. And to think, if they only knew where my cannabis came from. Way to many people are bred to think that cannabis is the devil, yet they say with with a beer full of fridge and a wine full of cellar.
  3. dgthumb

    Would shipping clones cause them to hermie?

    I'd package it with a lot of bubble wrap and/or something to keep it from shifting inside the box.
  4. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    You should have gone to the college I went to. We were brutal, but we'd go to bat for each other anytime. With plastic bats that is. See here we just pick fun for fun, not because of someone's politics, gender, religion, sexual preferences. We've all reached the smart ass level of highness, you...
  5. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    We are friendly, about as friendly as a carnivorous hamster having a bbq in your pants. Naa really though, most people on here get along well enough we can poke fun at each other and ourselves. Just cock the hammer back and join in. As Tyler said, gotta learn to return fire. Just let me know...
  6. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    I'm one of those that didn't graduate. Guess in all fairness I should state that I took over the school.
  7. dgthumb

    Going "JJ" makes no sense.

    I don't like passing because there's always someone who fucks up the puff puff pass rotation.... always. Damn moochers.
  8. dgthumb

    Watering when on short holiday, any McGuyver style techniques? Maybe water bottles with pin pricks?

    Just give them a little extra water then you normally do before you go. Watering more at one time isn't going to hurt, watering to often will.
  9. dgthumb

    Flushing tonight! One more week!

    I almost fell for the flushing band wagon.... but then I realized the only useful flushing is with a toilet.
  10. dgthumb

    12-12 from seed yeild?

    He's joking, that's his response to everyone who posts "what yield will I get" questions.
  11. dgthumb

    12-12 from seed yeild?

    It won't get you much, at most a gram or two. Your plant is probably going to be less then a foot tall, maybe have two nodes. Buds will be few and far between. Give it at least 3 to 4 weeks of veg at 16/8. The results will be worth it.
  12. dgthumb

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    I made breakfast tacos for dinner. Would have posted pics but I was too hungry.
  13. dgthumb

    Increase trich production

    How are they looking? I think the molasses I gave mine there other day has boosted trich production on Speedy and Durga, seeing more trichs then I did prior to the molasses tea.
  14. dgthumb

    Is the attitude still decent to use?

    Last I saw mastercard still won't process their sales, that's on the bank not on attitude. I was brave, sent cash and got my stash. This was in January of this year.
  15. dgthumb

    My first grow... All help is much appreciated!

    Pro-tip, create a thread of yee own, one that includes, strain info, grow room info, etc etc. But to answer your question, potency is determined mostly by genetics. Size is determined by genetics and growing conditions.
  16. dgthumb

    My first grow... All help is much appreciated!

    I second this comment. Soil and organics is the simplest way to start out. Really hard to fuck shit up, unless you get hog wild with nutrients and over watering and loving them to much. Curing is key to a tasty, well refined enjoyable smoke. I don't really care how my buds "look" I care how...
  17. dgthumb

    Repotting during flower

    Well it's not a secret anymore Humboldt
  18. dgthumb

    good by

    Wow guess we ruffle chipped his feather, by the time I posted that he was gone
  19. dgthumb

    good by

    It's a run on paragraph... Couldn't finish reading it.