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  1. dgthumb

    Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

    Someone needs to invite them to a smoke session, replace their AK 47 with blunts, swap the remote triggers for lighters, and pack their trunks full of dank. Send em home listening to Louie Armstrong's Wonderful World.
  2. dgthumb

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    Can you get a better photo, under a more natural light?
  3. dgthumb

    Food related flattery

    Earlier today, at the grocery store, I saw a gorgeous lady, with a very nice butt carrying a pack up cupcakes. Suddenly I found myself thinking, to myself "I'd like to cup her cakes". Anyone else have any food related pick up lines, compliments that you think to yourself?
  4. dgthumb

    Leaves dying 32 days into flower

    I'm leaning over with what this guy said, looks like a lock out. I had the same thing when I thought "oh now that i'm flowering I should give em bloom food" Hard to tell with the lighting in your photo, but your leafs look like mine did when that happened.
  5. dgthumb

    Noob! First grow!

    I give mine 10 to 14 days after planting before I dig to check.
  6. dgthumb

    Noob! First grow!

    There's not really a "too early to put in soil" thing in the sense that it'll just not grow. You can put them directly it soil without germinating, it'll just take longer, much much longer, to sprout if you do and you have to be extra careful abut soil moisture. My method of germination is...
  7. dgthumb

    Drooping leaves. Please help!

    Quite possibly, either that a nutrient issue.
  8. dgthumb

    Drooping leaves. Please help!

    How old is this plant? Most seedlings can survive off what's in the soil without being fed till they get bigger. Water when the soil is dry, not the saucer. Lift it, if the pot feels super light, water. If you life the pot and it feels a little heavy don't water.
  9. dgthumb

    Solo Cup-Girls Gone Wild! Vol 1

    Not even a Hiroshima. Temps might be a little low, they cold be getting cold. You could transplant in flowering stages, buuut it's not the best idea if they are close to being ready to harvest.
  10. dgthumb


    I've never flushed my plants between veg and flower stages. Nor do I flush before harvest. The only time I can see a person flushing is when they've over fed and caused a nut burn or lock out. If you want to know when to switch to flowering and are working in a tent, visit my grow journal for...
  11. dgthumb

    Flushing tonight! One more week!

    I was thinking it, thanks for saying it!
  12. dgthumb

    Drooping leaves. Please help!

    Over watering, maybe over feeding. Got more details on this one?
  13. dgthumb

    Yet another terrorist attack

    It's the religion of chicken shits suffering from diarrhea.
  14. dgthumb

    Solo Cup-Girls Gone Wild! Vol 1

    I give plenty of shits.... to my toilet. Keeping it simple has worked for you so far, that's awesome. As for the curling leafs, it could be a few things, temps to high, roots getting bound. Plants do funky things when roots get bound up. Are the leafs always that droopy?
  15. dgthumb

    monster failure

    Gonna put that on my list of things to get should I ever try cloning.
  16. dgthumb

    3 mormon missionaries hurt in Brussels

    I dunno about their magic underwear, but if they keep knocking on my door they're going to see me without my underwear. Lord let there be LIGHT! :shock:
  17. dgthumb

    monster failure

    Use any root stimulation?
  18. dgthumb

    Flushing tonight! One more week!

    Yea, it's sad that it happens that way. Everyone has their two cents. I gave mine, I think it's pointless to flush. But if the OP wants to grow his the way he likes, and flush so be it. Who am I, to tell him what to do with HIS grow. I'll grow mine my way, he can still grow his the way he...
  19. dgthumb

    Can I harvest already?

    Get a close up of your trichs, that's going to tell you when they're ready.
  20. dgthumb

    LST Looking Good?

    From what I've seen in my grows, they react better with the gradual change. This is my one photo period, my others are autos, I have going, she vegged from sprout Feb 2nd to Feb 28 when I started the gradual flowering transition. This is her today, March 22nd.