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  1. dgthumb

    Flush rant

    We shouldn't feeding those silly nutrients until harvest nor should we flush! No no no, we should be giving them Brawndo from day one! End of discussion
  2. dgthumb

    What's wrong with this seedling!

    Yes sir I do flush my soil. My grow journal has more info on the soil mix I use. The root simulator/activator I use is: Carl Pool Root Activator. See attached photo. Now let me make a point real quick. Maybe flush isn't the best term to use considering the giant debate going on about...
  3. dgthumb

    Leaves Turning Yellow

    Can you provide some info on medium, what you're feeding and how often?
  4. dgthumb

    What's wrong with this seedling!

    Might have over watered. Glad she bounced back. If it helps, when I make my soil I flush the whole thing with a root stimulation solution. So pretty much the whole pot is wet. I do that about a week before I plant. After I plant, I can go anywhere from a week or even two weeks before I need to...
  5. dgthumb

    First grow, wet harvest

    Your question good sir, will be answered when you smoke it after a good cure. I never judge my grows off yields, I judge them off how smooth the smoke is after curing.
  6. dgthumb

    What's wrong with this seedling!

    Is that sand on top of your soil? Second question relates to # 1 mistake on a new grow. Are you letting the soil dry up before watering?
  7. dgthumb

    What's wrong with this seedling!

    I've planted my autos directly into the final pot, never had issues with seedlings.
  8. dgthumb

    Autoflower the answer to my situation

    Attitude doesn't require signature either, and if you need to use the cash method with them it's safe.
  9. dgthumb

    Autoflower the answer to my situation

    From what I've see of the Autos I've grown, the harvest time is more a guideline. The shorter height strains tend to finish faster. I've got one auto, Green Label's Auto Mary, started germination on Feb 1st, I'll be chopping her own next week. Same note, Speedy Gonzales germination same date...
  10. dgthumb

    Do roots continue to grow in bloom?

    I use a root stimulation solution when I make my soil. I've use the same solution in a dwc and also did a run without it. Yea, there is a difference.
  11. dgthumb

    Do you believe in God?

    This coming from someone who can't spell ( :clap: sarcasm :clap:)
  12. dgthumb

    Do you believe in God?

    I don't believe in god. I believe in myself.
  13. dgthumb

    Male preflower?

    Female, the white hair is the clue
  14. dgthumb

    new with questions/opinions wanted

    It's R2-D2s cousin!!
  15. dgthumb

    2nd week flower. Yellowing leaves.

    Couldn't tell you, determining deficiencies isn't my specialty. I'd rather just say that then pretend I know the answer and lead you down the wrong path.
  16. dgthumb

    Seeds in my nugs...hermies? Nanners? Help please

    It might have just been a survival instinct from the plant. It's possible that there was a nanner in the nug and it pollinated the bud. Doesn't necessarily mean the whole plant is a hermie, just she wanted to give you a gift of future babies and have her linage live on.
  17. dgthumb

    Ok mostly looking milky I think should I kept going or harvest tomorrow?

    There's nothing wrong with taking a nug or two, curing them, trying them. Then choosing if you should harvest the whole plant.
  18. dgthumb

    Ok mostly looking milky I think should I kept going or harvest tomorrow?

    Depends on the high you're looking for. Cloudy will give you a more energetic head high. Amber will give you a more body relaxing high.
  19. dgthumb

    Food related flattery

    No kidding! There's times I have to just quit reading what people are posting because it makes no sense.
  20. dgthumb

    Need First Grow Advice

    If it's your first grow, I'd suggest starting with a few, get the ins and outs down before going large scale. Or, do a few in soil and a few in hydro. Remember rule # 1, too much love is a bad thing. Research as much as you can when you decide with medium you're going to use. Then research...