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  1. L

    What did you accomplish today?

    Busy day shaved my head hair was getting too long feeling 10 degrees cooler now, trimmed some plants and moved um back in my tent after spraying them, set up the scrog, got paid yesterday had to mobile deposite and surprisingly it went in today guess because i did it while the bank was still...
  2. L

    How do they look? 1st grow

    looks nice as stated looks better then my outdoor grows XD. when i plant outside they just grow like auto's i guess cause of the lack of sunlight i get at my house so it doesn't really veg that long. been a while since i did a full outdoor grow though too much work moving the plant to get as...
  3. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    they look kinda nice from what i've seen in videos right when they flip but yea until then kinda ugly. had to fuck around with my timer shit was pissing me off since it's in the back broke off some branches XD but at least it is out of the tent where i can access it more easily now
  4. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    I dont feel bad i mean last minute decisions that were unexpected so just working with what i got at this point plus it's my first scrog so not expecting it to be perfect. for all i know it could turn out looking good in the end just needs some time. hopefully they bounce back quick though.
  5. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    thanks for the help i appreciate it. yea i decided just to veg it longer i was just looking up some videos on when people flip and mine looks like shit lmfao. im not super worried though i schwazzed my last grow and it looked like this but during flowering i got some good ass buds for my skill...
  6. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    i fixed it i guess. what you think? shitty job i know but hard to really start weaving pre existing tall plants as a first timer. i think it will turn out okay though once it starts to veg back. kind of gives my pineapple more of a chance to fully hit the net and do her thing. Do you think i...
  7. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 13 Continuation Cut off the 3 plants to a good size a little over a foot of growth so they should be in major shock. dropped the net down heavily but it's pushing up due to growth. not sure how the fuck i'd get 1 kola per square this way since i took existing tall plants in. i think it...
  8. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    Yea i am thinking how i'd manage to actually get all this under the net with the fan inside as well but the more i think about it even if i super crop them the harder it would be to weave just because of all the growth. might as well chop um cause he already chopped one of the 3 plants a good...
  9. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    yea but i figure look at his plants then look at how tall mine is big issue right? what you think? i figured even if i dropped the net super low so i can scrog all of um that they would fill up majority of the net. so at this point i'd have to flip immediately. the bigger issue though is his...
  10. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 13 Scrog grow is fucked as you can see i had to put my dads plants back in the tent. the lights cannot move up any further so i will be flipping. Honestly at this point idc about the pineapple chunk in the sense because 1. i only got 1 seed and i've never grown that strain before 2. it was...
  11. L


    i use my phone to upload my pics for me it is easier but if your connection/wifi sucks it might not upload because it's too slow. have had that happen to me all the time. when i take my wifi off and just connect it to the phone companies wifi it's super slow but if i connect it to my own wifi (...
  12. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    im just trying to get um fat to like learn not specifically for anything else really im trying to learn more basic shit like how people can get there stalks so damn fat compared to me especially on indoor grows. over time they get this size but i've seen people get um fatter before they even...
  13. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    im just trying to get fat stalks. i figured you wanted it fat cause everyone scrog i see that shit is beast. the tops are still flexible/flimsy it's the lower growth that is stiffer. can't turn the fan off due to major heat issues. exhaust alone don't help much. will be interesting to see what...
  14. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    thanks this is my best grow thus far. just wish my fan wasn't fucking over that 1 side then it would look nice but im likely just going to prune it anyways. im tryna get that stem fatter though but i've been pumping in that silicone for a while now so idk if it's too much or i can keep going...
  15. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 12 She is stretching to the net!. just a wee bit more i say about 5 inches to go by monday i should be ready would be a miracle if it hits by sunday morning. Watering tomorrow morning. What i thought was pistils now look like just regular growth because they are getting bigger starting to...
  16. L

    Is this fixable?

    what caused your leaf edges to turn blue/black like that o.O" i was just reading something related to that but i can't remember wtf it said. very interesting look
  17. L


    Click upload a file, choose location ( max is 10mb if the photo is over 10mb that is why ). if you cannot try taking a new photo. for some reason i have the same issue on my phone some days it wont allow me to upload photo's then if i use different photo's i took it works. all are under 10mb of...
  18. L

    1 week without water or anything?

    you just got to remember health roots and soil plays a huge role in growing as well.
  19. L

    1 week without water or anything?

    yea that is your issue bro that shit looks nasty. if i were you i would personally break that shit up toss it in the trash and fill with FFOF. idk how you'd do that safely to not destroy as much roots nor would i know what would happen as an end result but to me that thing looks like mud that...
  20. L

    New tent

    sorry was going to elaborate but was at work and using my phone. like i said i don't grow from clones or have experience from clones but IMO i think the concept of high humidity for clones is due to the fact they have little to not roots. you look at how clones are produced which are just...