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  1. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    yea i figured it be too strong. i aint got anything to grow um in otherwise. it's alright i'll fuck around with cloning in the future i plan to grow more of this strain anyways this seed was just a freebie so using it as a tester for now. i usually dont grow the same strains i buy X amount of...
  2. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    yea that is what im hoping wont happen to my girl. she has been growing bushy all this time and slow vertically but now that she has hit the net i spread her open so i think she will do okay. stretch wise is rough i have grown bushy plants that stretched more then i expected. i guess it's one of...
  3. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    yea i would try that out but i have no zip ties. i had a shit load before from computer parts that i never used but i think i threw them away when i moved rooms a few months ago. can't go out and buy some either cause no car. if i hit up a store soon then i might do that but more then likely i...
  4. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    yea im trying not to over crowd um but also trying not to under veg um net wise. hard to tell since i never grew these strains. 3 are crossbred/hybrids blue widow which i grew X mango something which my dad grew but i have no idea how these seeds will grow/produce. same with my pineapple chunk...
  5. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    hmm i think i understand now. seems like i continue to weave during flowering but eventually stop to allow the bud sites to grow above the net. this site a user on here recommended me says 2-3 weeks after flip. i was thinking i need to constantly weave it to the point it is flowering so...
  6. L

    Do you weave scrog during flip?

    Confused on what im supposed to do when i flip. so im filling out the net right now should be close to flipping give or take it looks like shit cause of last minute decisions and some plants were grown in different conditions ( outside ). When i flip am i still supposed to weave into the net...
  7. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 16 AFTER PRUNE Think im going to say fuck it and just start my flowering phase on Monday. think the purpose of this grow/method is to just learn. if i so much happen to get 1 male though of the 3 not my call if my dad don't want to chop it and wants to seed it i'll be okay with seeding my...
  8. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 16 watered everything gave a full dose to my baby then half dose to my dads plants because i previously fed them last. stem on my pineapple is getting fatter and she is working her way into the net slowly so im weaving her in. was going to put off her pruning but looks like it is highly...
  9. L

    1 week without water or anything?

    if those were my plants i'd just say fuck remove the mud clump out the pot take a hammer smash that shit open and remove as much mud as i could without further damaging the roots. i figure at this rate your better off doing some damage to the root zone versus continue growing it in that mud brick.
  10. L

    Like a kid the night before Christmas...

    nice i know that feeling i went from CFL's to cheap ass 75W leds ( not actual draw ) to another cheap ass 2000W rated LED ( about 292W actual draw so company claims ) now on my hlg QB's. despite it was a lot of money spent on just lights the plants were happy with every upgrade since it was...
  11. L

    veg growth vs light times

    nodal spacing i read was due to spectrum not sure if that is true or what. could be strain/pheno type as well. i assume that because your now losing 2 extra hours of light that the plants assume it is time to flower naturally soon thus why it is getting taller. i am in the same boat as you but...
  12. L

    is this okay to use?

    yea i live in Hawaii i was trying to shop online but the soil costs me Regular price +200-300+ for shipping im like fuck that.. it goes for $60 from the shop that sells it to me but he don't deliver or anything. i try to compost as much as i can right now cause im out of soil so i have just...
  13. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    i honestly don't have supplies for cloning. i got clonex but thats it no soil or plugs or nothing on hand. literally need to go to the garden shop pick up more supplies in general but no car. dont want to catch an uber either cause they gonna look at me with a big ass bale of soil and be like...
  14. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 15 Surprised af that his plants already picked back up after just 2 days i mean damn that was some serious stress i put um through. Not entirely sure where im going with this grow yet i mean i want as much foliage/bud sites as i can get off his plants but at the same time my plant might...
  15. L

    is this okay to use?

    been running out of soil and have no way of purchasing more due to lack of car ( i can catch an uber but i mean fitting in a big ass bale in there car idk..) lately i just been recycling my old soil that i've tried to leech out and then i toss it in my compost with worms and i just let it...
  16. L

    Help I broke her

    idk about the time issue but i recently just chopped up my dads tall as plants to shove um in my tent and under my scrog you can check that out in my grow journal in my sig if you like but like you i snapped them mfers right off pretty good i didn't bother to splint um just gonna roll with it...
  17. L

    Help I broke her

    looks fine to me. Look up "schwazz" and watch some video's shit will amaze you on how bad they look then to where they got to in the end bud wise. if they can handle that they can handle what you did.
  18. L

    Help I broke her

    you mean it snapped as in you super cropped it on accident or you snapped it clean off? if you just bent it and it snapped but still holds without any splint it will heal the bent part should get swollen. if it needs a splint it should also heal if it's not too bad. as long as you use a splint...
  19. L

    Pineapple Chunk by Barneys

    July 14 watered his plants like a day ago and they are already dried up not sure wtf they on. doesn't seem like anything grew from the 3 plants that i can tell wasn't expecting it but would of been nice. im gonna try and overlap the growth cause hi plants are reg so we dont even know what sex...
  20. L

    Guys READ how dumb this was !

    nothing you can do about it now besides finish the grow and see how they turn out and take note. i think they will be alright.